Fort Worth Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 18, No. 234, Ed. 1, Sunday, July 15, 1894 Page: 5 of 16

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IrLaclmbr Pf Commerce hall
I TiiSlne Sundays at
til ot a lnltd
Baptist church Corner Third
ou viiui at II and 820
Sir Torrey of Moodys church
seats freO Morgan Wll
The Une and AMise
ijlnmhiBv m VrS
T StlWjW
loquent speaker Rill ddrM tht
jc GooJ muilo assured All art
Taovnacla or inn i nr
Men Church Corner of Hampton
lllurt slreeH Pleachlnir tonight
it M Bi Tutt o at 8111 aunuay
il at 2 30 prujri iiimni vj
day nlltht at 85 Or and all
welcome at these services
nh Hide Xnlted Drethren Church
iLrrciclilhff today ot 11 a m
ft 15 p m UV U W Auuie nun
BChOOl at V uV wl
Mian union meem vwnr iivmvj
ni hi sltt nrnyer meeting
Ineaay evening at 815 son ser-
I every l nuay frunifc o
Bat welcome to oro and all
I rjalley Ml preach at tno uroau
tnnit4t church today at 11 to m
Incnce at 9 30 o in Young Pen-
union ai i i i - - -
at 8 P m on Monday Beats are
The auditorium l cool and
ti BMfvlrAS nre short If the
or cannot preach well lie can ha
mi ilii irinis
In social Tor the benefit of the
church will he held at tin
Jonce of J J c 20 Daggett
il1K next TuisJay Hienlng
ensure enra ia lexas i annanaie
to Colored Hest service short
ni and jutckeit time by six
irrpe reclining chairs cars City
Vev 401 Main street
or L oause funeral director nnd
aimer rult assortment of under-
rsla and furnishes all necessary ra
iments NO in iv est iveamcr
tti rr
i 157
A Plnillnr ImMng purchased the
r and tobacco sioca ui j u ni
llll Main strict Commeiclal Club
line would be pleased to have his
friends call on him as well aa the
rSl pUOIIC ll tl BWVlv la lirtii ic
complete ii ij - pin
flsrd periodicals constantly on
Uslon hotel the largest hotel In
Wort locaieu oil uurm SLIee
viin and nuak We are now
ed Into our new dining room on
a a overlooking Rusk street
re one can tat In comfort protected
wire screens free from all dust and
led by natures breezes nates re
rd to 13 per dayi supper lodging
breakfast t SO Ten large sample
ins on ground floor for use of com
cltl men 100 bed rooms both cool
clean Tor use OI ine imyeuiis
We solicit a inii anu kuikhhi
fiction On nusk street you will
one of V7 XV Dunns great
trjieels wnicn is oesiineu w uun
r to millions of acres of
Vf TV UliriiN ovni
n RViHTiflrd nnd Tl II Chatham
iVaco are stopslnff at the Pickwick
rham r nnwlett of Austin ts
iilng Borne oC hl8 old chum In this
Trni Rtpnnmpr of the Mansfield
mal ohool li vlnltlnff friends In
T Tlni ltur nf San Anctilo In In
city and la stopping at the
ty Attorney Templeton will- spend
day with hia wife who is vis It Ins
uvea at uaK chit iexa
P Marshall and wife of Marshall
via In the city yesterday and are
ping at the IlckwlcK
r William Brown formerly of this
but now a bromlnent business
h of Abilene la In the city
me A S Johnsort of Hlllsboro was
po city last night and paid tno
etta a appreciated isit
m L P IXishlell left last ntRht
NfW Orleans to see her brother
lor Hcarscy who Is ery 111
jav A D Ileardsley D D an
miniBter and lecturer or Lexington
I etoprtng at the Mansion
laa Julia Blakcmore who has been
alms the summer normal BChool
lanefleld H isltlntf her slater Mrs
I Buck for a few days
f and Mw P K Abdlll to to
ntton llelfl is today to spend a
days at lh homo of Dr
son-in-law lr Mattlson
r Henry T Straltl of Texarkana
i an employe in the offices of the
ton Ilelt railroad ot that point
ere on a short visit to his brother
Its Ltlltt ox nf nflllnt m
Mollie Mahen on East Second
tt Her mnnv frldndn hors wtll
ery glad to learn of her presence
luw t tiy
f J M Mullina returned last nlcht
iuuRooro where he naa ueen
Hl tb birfiirm on rinnpotlnti nf nno
the eyes of Mr Young the district
la ot Hill county
jlri Dr O S liattlson ond Mrs K
van Zandt Jl leave for Austin
W to attend tne drill at the state
rnpment Thej will return during
Jitter part o the week
Wooten wife and
Uas Kannl f Atailn nirllnv n
Jtn and wife or Dallas and Judge
w Ughtfoot wife and sons are
lUnc lft jtl ta W T rtallAV
1 Jlr and Mrs Robert Q Johnson
west sme
r AWtt talltH hm A a In ru
i -- - lull AUBUll i
gT evening v here he went as
mai surgeon of the Fourth
11 tie rennet Ia hnlh lti
Ft ttorth companies the Loyd III-
d he rencibles acquitted them-
M splendidly ond won the plaudits
wBb vvllnetted their work
PlenlfAl llKnlfl l
io parties will find It to their In
HI l cn uPn th Cotton Belt
PMectlng their picnic grounds
ran located thirty miles east of
J Worth on the lint of the Cotton
w11 dapted for such pur
el ft 1lov beautiful one
-- diucu a nice cool soring
lllt Which affords the
JJfJnuntlnrand a pleassnt day in
ffi nrtton and are well pro-
With SlniF ff tli KhlMmn
wnur mornmir ami
lTn mvea In Fort Worth at
iaVi h yntnt Bpclai rates and
lvi t t H7u l0 Munflay scnool ana
ishupIc0 XJar Halts very
eJDie for iall ftlrthr InfAt matlnn
J t T A iAI HflH W
orth Tex
A DtQVkB tstaaleu
sVlN 9 Davl who for a num
r e years h
v uritet affent of the Forl Vonh
I1 Ienver cn M
til T y aiarae the position of
S ent OS that road the
KLijS MTSwlnSkXWr -
T ri - iVV j
lsth Inst Mr Davit has been In tht
employ of the Denver for a number
of years and this advance In position
comes u a vell deserved compliment
in recognition of hts Integrity and ablll
ty is a railroad man
ir p Btfly whom he uc
eJ lrromoKl to the position of
chief clerk to General Passenger Agent
D B Keeler and Mr C O Drake
who has been with Mr Keeler ever
since his appointment as passenger
agent to the system Is promoted to
general agent freight nnd passenger
A ew Paymaster
It will tie seen from the following
circular that the Denver has again re-
warded faithful services
The Fort Worth and Denver City
ltaluvny Company OHlce ot Hecelver
Port worn Tex July n iS4 All
WeSS11 Vr 0 c nlv here
by appointed
paj master for receivers
of the Pott Worth and Dem city
railway company effective July 1 isaf
MontUN JONna
iri nlr hs been virtually dis-
charging the duties of paymaster for
some lime and thU Is simply a formal
recognition ot his position by IherJ
pfvCJa1 Vuon vla snl11 Ie to
Galveston 3 round trip
the tlnirllrt irli lr
On July 28 nil 1in1 hnniii -a
the grear natural icsources ot lort
Wcrth anJ Tarrant county
livery person In Port Worth should
send copies to friends and the leading
advertisers wholesale and retail
should ring up our advertising depart-
ment for a representative to call and
write up their business houses
Sunday and Monday In Galveston
for 15 via Santa Fe route
Vonr Wife Will Leave Von
J11 hurr flKht away to Mad
dox Ellison Companys and price
one of those new bnby carriages Car-
load lot jutt received Easy payments
Won by Ten ltilnts
Bonham Tex July H Donham nnd
Honey Drove gun clubs had a match
shoot yesterday afternoon Shoot waa
fifty blue rooks per man The score
stood as follows
uonham team J W Hussell 45 C
U llradford 41 J B Itussell 42j J
a Saunders 41 J It McKlnney 40
J T Arledge 87 Total 548
Honey Grove team Jno Pierce 43
I B Ityan 44 c U Wood 89 J H
Itobnett 38 J A Underwood SG C
E Shcrrer 31 Total 238
hP n iL
Many people are prejudlceJ ngalnst
a physician that advertises his busi-
ness They class all such hs quack
doctore v Ithout Investigating their
Borne pefiple are too full of prejudice
to Investigate and as a result drift
to death as fast as wrong treatment
will carry them Prejudice and Ignor-
ance go hand In hand Ilreak tho
bonds of prejudice Do your own
In yen titrate Dr risk and hts method
of treattne tflRcases You wilt tlnd
htm an honorable conscientious and
successful physician doing business on
business principles Call and see him
Call on or send for testimonials of
patients cured
Dr It W Plsk CUrtTCS CATATtmt
NK11VOU8 diseases DIABRTES
COBDA Bt Vitus dance BIinUMA
TISM PILES PISTtlLA and all forms
of Chronic and Blood Diseases Medl
clno furnished At the offlce
The system of mall treatment adopted
by Dr H W risk Ruarantees the
saine good resulta to those nuhmlttlnff
their cases through correspondence as
to tho9 who come In person
Write for dlajmostlo blank It will
describe your symptoms accurately
No 1 for women No 2 for men Busi-
ness strictly confidential
XZ W iniTC M ID-
ritftfti a 0rr 70i Main BtreI
Nothing is published free All ad-
vertisement In this department are
charged for at the rate of 1 cent a
word each Issue payable In advance
No advertisements taken for leas than
25 cents
hlnyitl or Slol
Tor nt
Ior Hnl0
Hrlp Mntt
luliie Chnnrrm
nnll IwPlis
Wuulnl Hoin
Vlfl llonriler
rtulnlHrrtl Ktiit
Wonlrtl To Echn
Advertisements for situations wanted
taken at half price No advertisement
for less than 2E cents
Professional financial and other
cards special notices eto In this
classified department U a lino per
Advertisers should remember that
letters directed to Initials only are not
delivered through the lstofflce If
initials are used they should be di-
rected to the care of some person Ifm
oneTteremslnlng uncalled for
in the counting room yesterday at
d m Persons calling for them will
Jlease say advertised
j jp n l i1 s
urlum l Ii7rotyper l
Feller 1
nmrt Editor 1
mSr would like to correspond with
middle aged gentleman widower
ffiJ f5S Miss 1 Jones
Ti vrv Fort Worth Teas
EJlDIBSTonte IS the only successful
itivfi never falls
T ull nnoentla particuisn je1
stamp lira Dr II T
edl tor 2 cent
Miller a Quincy street Chicago
r un nnoKS bought sold
TiJoii S Mln street
nn A rf ANSELt Speeiallst Bit
D5an errrhNT
tore Fort tVotla Tx
A IEUMANENT poattlon at 18 wettyy
Is sua ran teed any lady who will
work for us quietly at home All
material tret lteply -with nUmpid
envelope Womans Mutual Ueneflt Co
Jollct HI
WANTIIJ An enercotlo youne inan
with a cood buslncitt education nants
a Job of any kind Addrtt Joe
Thompson Honey Grove Tex
EltS to write ub but men of ahllty
1300 to 00 a month to huilleris
Btalo and general ajfcnls Chemt
cal Fire Exilmrulslir Company Jta
cine Wis
WANTED I wllfpay Itxillcs a salary
of 10 per week to -work for ine In
their locality tit home llffht work
Kood pay for part tlmo Write with
stamp Urn IX E Eauett eult 004
Marshall Held Co bulldlnff Chi-
ANY LADY faring to makj J20 tt
week quietly at home mllrona with
ktamped nelnpc Mlsa LUtile 11
Logan Jollct III ThU offer Is bona-
iiae uo not fall to Investigate
MEN to sell baklnif powder MeSdy
employment experience unnecessary
Si5 monthly salary and expenses or
a cummiaalon Jf offer is saturao
tory address at once with partlcu
lars coucernlntr yourself U S Chem
leal Workn mo Van Ituron Chicago
AVANTED Man to distribute circulars
4 per 1000 Inclose stamp references
National Distributing Association
WANTED An agent to represent the
Texas Loan and Investment Co of
Gaheston Apply by letter to D W
Lane superintendent 401 West First
street city
WANTED uirl for general house-
work 404 WeBt First street-
HEM FUHNIBHED Situations pro-
cured write us Tort Worth Lmi
plovment Bureau 109 Main
WANTED Printer of tastp now em
ployed wsnts iork on country
weeKiy mate salary ana address
Artistic care Leader Dublin Tex
A blTUATION wanted In a prlVHte
fnmlly by a young laJy otfe H Ad-
dress or call at ttio ltienlx holtl
Miss Llrxle Wagg Jaer
blTUATION wanted by sober man to
do light iork in owu Q U 13
care Gazette
WANTED Uy a ladyr experienced
milliner engagement for the next
season best of reference Address
w EH P O box Terrell Texas
WANTEI Position aa stenographer
five years experience J 0 cars
WANTED iPoiltlon by a professional
bartender No no but first -class need
apply Aqarm w v cam uazette
It W Peaks 10 Houston street
sitciai notices
notice that the undersigned has been
appointed by the Seventeenth dis-
trict court of the stats of Texas re-
ceiver of the real and personal es
stato of Denton T Lyman late a
resident of Tarrant county In the
state aforesaid situate and being on
lots 14 15 IS and a part of lot II
In block 41 In the city of Fort Worth
In Tarrant count aforesaid AH
persons bavins Jut claims for ma-
terial furnished or for labor per-
formed both for and In construction
of said building on the lots aboe
mentioned are hereby requeeted to
file their claims duly Itemized dated
and verified with me on or before
the 16th day of September A D
Dated this 6lh day of July
J O TALBOTT Itecetver
Matthew Ward deceased Whereas
letters of administration upon the es-
tate of Matthew Ward deceased were
granted to the undersigned by the
county court of Tarrant county on
the 4th day of June A D 1894
All persona holding claims against
said estate are required to present
the same within the time prescribed
by law My residence Is at Fort
Worth Tex and my post office ad-
dress Is 100 Main street Fort Worth
Tex E D Handle administrator Of
the estate of Matthew Ward de-
appointed receiver of ths Fort Wo th
and Arlington Heights Land and In-
vestment company th9 Arlington
Heights Elefttlo Light company
the Arlington Heights Water
company the Fort Worth and
Arlington Heights notel company X
hereby notify all parties holding
claims against any or said corpora-
tions to Ale Mid claims with ma duly
verified within ninety days from this
date This July 8th l9f Robert
VcCart receiver
Dont Delay
to telephone the Gaxette man to call
and w1lsup your business or prepare
a display card for you to appear Jn our
big special Issue of July 2S Many
thousands of copies will be distributed
In the city county s tat and elsewhere
You cant afford to miss II and you
cant afford to no have your name
In It as the cost will b merely nom-
- a ff ii
raj M - v
roif ALE Preftlwr fur rMiu home
In Fort worth vrgi pen u
bery stablest lot TxUJ pnt f coo
easy pn intern i r nare V4
FOIl T11AD1 I hae some good lm
proeu unencumbered resilience prop-
erty to trado for a Main street lot
Apply to W L Llgon 010 Main
clean stock grocer II so acres
smooth black land S00 acres In
vatlon In Armstrong county six miles
north of Clauds on county road to
Panhandle City Apply to W T
Brewer Cleburne Tex
VOW MALE Flftyroot lot on Main
street finest business lot In the city
for 111000 easy pajments D B
Hare 70S Main
roil HALE Nice houses for sale or
for rent Ior sale on easy term
Whenever you want to buy or rent
a housn always see me for I con
save you money W L Llgon 610
Main street
I OK BALE Two good brood mares
three and a half and four years old
and sixteen hands high v ell broken
Charles Sohvller six miles nor Hi in t
of Fort Worth near lilrdvllle
BAnoUN sirs or 5ttf upright piano
good as new ilsnus for rent Alex
lllrschfeld 20i Main siren
WNlED To sell h supeilur artlci
t Hickstnltli coal to tlio black-
smiths of Texas next In quality to
the Piedmont coal worth only U per
ton at the nlnes slxtten mllet north-
east from Mdran Tex or tt per ton
f o b at Mjran Addrevs Alouzo L
ISpuln A Bon Eollan Te
FOH BALE Oil LEAHE 153i aera Of
good land BUitaMi for pastuie or
cultUatlou fenced and well supplied
with Mater in Frio county Tex
for sale or lease Apply to K Peter-
son Paris Tex
Ftlt MALE Nice hone in Gainesville
Texas Would trtde for one In Fort
Worth and pay noms cash dlcerence
If place ill Address JKeinplnsky
Gainesville Tex
tAllllES who are wishing to buy piop
erly will do well to call on me C
L nickhifmn jlleal Eslnte Agent 28
Main street 1 Powell building
properly or imrcrandlee a finti farm
with nil Improvenenta two
rtsldtnces cuthouLes two good wells
of water COW heavily rrultsd grape
vines ISO peach trees 600 bearing
pear trees fifteen vurietles of fine
plums fifty applt tieea blackberries
title perfect and unencumbered J C
Ingram SOX Houston street
FOH BALK 320 acre of land 10 miles
east of Fcrt Worth and near thq
Texas and laclflo railway nnd on the
main plkid wagon road too acres of
this land ts In the valley and rich
black rundy learn foil remainder
fine upland Price 7 pr acre easy
A neat six room cottage on Cherry
street near Texsst lot 60x100 feet
fronts east Prlc 2CWteim rany
ICO acres ntar Crowley C It cultl
aiinnt all fine land and fenced house
of thrt e rioms and stable two wells
and spring Prlc 15 per acic l nns
MS acres of fine black waxy land
4 1 2 miles muthwest of Fort Worth
all fenced CO In cultivation house
vt six rooms and barn olMtin and
artesian well Price 121 SO per acre
caay terms
82 acres 4 miles north of Fort
Worth all fenced and in cultivation
good well smalt house 120 per acre
easy terms
Special bargains In city property
and now la the time to buy
Borne ocrage property low down
IS0O stock horis and mares all un-
der five years old aired by Norman
Clytesdale and Perch eron stallions
that cost from lw to 11000 each
Price 225 per head from colts up stal-
lions not Included Will exchange for
prd wild la nil or farnia unincum
bered at cash valuation also 130
ules from 1 to 4 yeirs old
Call on us No trouble to answer
questions or shftw property
Land Title lllork
Fort Worth Texas
day boarders viHclled reasonable
rates 609 West Third street
A NICE furnished room for rent cheap
No SIB corner First and Taylor
FUKNI8HED room for rent 200 Lamar
street next door 4o boarding house
BEVEnAL deslraolt front rooms suit
able for light En
quire 612 West Fourth street M alone
FOR KENT A furnished room 801
East Third street
NICELY furnished front rooms with
board In private family No chil-
dren 14 per week 918 East Four-
teenth street
FOIl JtENT Kjurnlshed room southern
exposure also day boarders wanted
404 West First street
FOH HENT Mrs D D Evans resi-
dence corner RUth and Lima streets
Apply to Whit Dryden room Walk-
er building coiner fcjith and Main
TO IlCNTCooI and pleasant rooms
south and east expwiure with all ac-
commodations Lath room for rent
furnished or unfumUlied also first
class board Property ownel by oo
cupant Call at 4QI Hemphill
FOIl IlKNT Two comfortably fur-
nished rcms en suite u t
separately or together with or with-
out board Apply toMiv M L Ha-
lf ne cirner Peach and Harding
DAY TULY15 1801
siding O K Harry Iron Woika
TVPKWHITEnS The best mnlctiTfor
sale or rent Iho Now Yost tha 31
to and fi
H J Conyngton 614 Mam
SHOUT HAND and type writing work
In all branches W Conyngton
ogrnpher 614 Main street f
FonfwonTH Marble andGranlte
Works John A Uergln A Hon All
kinds of marble and granite monu-
ments headstones tablets and statu
ary all kinds ofrmaible granite and
stone coping Iron railing furnished
to order Writs for deitgns and
DnUNKAnDS Morphine Usei s You
cm be cured palnieslsy nnd per-
manently In from ten da a to three
weeks for 25 Proof testimonials and
full particulars sent free upon re-
quest Address H Wilson Uox CS
Comanche Tex
rLUMmin W J nraxrlClt5Man
steam and gat fitter lowest prices
11 H HTANDLEY buys and sells sec
ond hsnd furniture and stoves No
212 Houston street
WAvrnnTo nuv
WaNTED A pure breXNeifouridland
puppy Andrews C B Stuart Bouth
McAlester I T glvlrg color age
sex and price wanted must be rea-
TICKETH Chefth raten
from Europe Arthur L
Crandall 713 Main street
BTOlTAGETf you store yourliouse
hold gouds for the summer dont fall
to see It It Darrah Fourteenth and
Husk streets Get prices and Inspect
the only first class storage house In
HEQULAn storage house for furniture
pianos vehicles trunks boxes eto
new rooms careful moIng packing
shipping etc estimates free W P
HInyoi Co 17th and Husk
FOIIT WOrtTH Bteam Dys Works
La Ilea and gents garments of all
kinds dj ed and cleaned Hochex
Urns 202 Houston street Fort
Worth Ttx Goods sent by express
promptly attended to
iftON fiteel otlTwire rericlng0 IC
Horry Iron Works Dallas Tex
Works Dallas Tex manufacturers
N C HALU Jeweler cheapest house
In the city lluys old gold and silver
Corner Main snd Eleventh streets
Agent for Franco German ring Posi-
tive cure for rheumatism Writs for
BY Tiin
llenrletttt CUf Oouuty 1
Sell and exchange Farms Hanchee
and City Property Correspondence so-
Deferences Farmers National Dank
Henrietta First National Hank Furt
Worth Land Mortgage Dank of Tex-
as Fort Worth
Information free JJrownwood Tex
FOH TUADE 100x100 foot lot unen
cumbrred to trade for residence and
will assume a small encumbrance
In fact I have most anything to
ell or trade I will have one more
of those nice new cottages ready
In few days on easy terms Call
to see me at 614 Main street W L
Li son
WANTED Job press good second-
hand quarter medium press Address
stating price Printer cart Gazette
Fort Worth Tex
Ru 13 rorll Batldlnir Yttt
Worth Ttktt 7H
rioM i
P 5
i in i
f l l
s n lAHltAn
V J llowmsn Ievt Walkrr
J UProst I U Hunt
Win Csppa a It CstUsy
OnUe In Nautorlum liulldliiur cornsr
TIHta and Hulk alrrts
fQfy DlamonJs Valcli tImlns
C Jewlrj tnsttuments of all
w Vltlnds runs rlolhlnl etc
Money easy ler ctnt low Tsxas
PawnUrokcr 309 Houston street
WlLLlXbt HENDEUBON counsel
and solicitor ot Ameilcun
and foreign patenlsTrade msrks snd
Isbe itoums 20 to S3 Norrls butld
ln irner Fifth and V streets
Wu iiigton D C Ueventeeu jears
exptitence including service In ex-
amining corps U H patent onlce
Bend tfUetch of mode for report as
to patentability Correspondence In-
vited Mention the Fort Worth Ga
LOST rut a II lniAt HI Mill in
STH A ED A bymareTH bo u t4
bands high branded O K H on left
hip 7 years old any Information
looking to her rrcoerv will bo liber
nlly rewarded Wm Hunter Fourth
and Houston
LOHT Pocket book tanned morocco
Finder ittturn to Mary Id Jsckeon
TJnlaue Printing company East Del
knap street
ALVOHDNsw Alvord HoUse fllmp
son Hell proprietor
ALVAHADO Commercial Hotel Mrs
M E Mallcote proprietor 92 00 per
AD1LENE Texas and Iailfto and
Windsor Hotels Geo 11 Hutchtna
proprietor Ftne sample rooms 12 to
per day Finest hotels west of Fort
Wort h
AUBTfN TEX lhe Tyler house V0S
East Seventh street opposite Halnt
Marys academy special nttentlon to
transient custom good meals com-
fortable beds commodious roomi po-
lite attention rates H 60 pur day
17 per week Mrs Lee Gordon pro
AllUMOHD I T HalMgh Inn Morse
sisters proprietors Hates 12 00 per
AMAltlLLO lhe Atnarltlo Hardwick
iiaruwicu proprisioro a poyunr
health lexori
DIG HANDY Fulkerson llousa O P
vi rin m tin las Anv
pTaLLINGEH Pearce Hotel 11 D
Pearce Proprietor Terms II DO per
day special attention to tray tunc
ahs linkia1 nn ttia rutin mtrmat
llltOWNWOOD Knight House W F
Knight proprietor
UAIIH CIty Hotel C J Miller pro
prletorl convenient to depot and bul
DOWH Natlonal
Pann proprietor
Hotel Chas
12 00 per day
XI ELTON Pes Hotel I W Fowler
Proprietor Kates II per day good
btrds and table as can be found In
the West
C LE II U UN E Cleburne Hotel J W
Porter proprietor Hates 12 00 per
CLEllUHNE Peal House Caddo
street two blocks south of Durhams
drux tore
COLOIIADO Ht James Hotel W li
Morris proprietor Headquarters for
comtnerc lei men
COMMEncn Anders House T H
Anders proprietor Free bus meets
all trains large sample rooms Terms
22 00 per day
CLAnENDON Clrendon Hotel 11
loucai proprieior
COMANCHE Iowry House Mrs A
V Iiwry Iroprletress A house for
traveling men nice clean bedst hot
and cold baths best table In tha city
COLEMAN Florence
Payton proprietor
Hotel W XL
CUICO Chlco House only first class
house in the city Just changed tnjan
agement Sam Pit let Proprietor
CHICK AKHA I T Orand Avenue
Hotel B V Drooker Proprietor
Hates 22 per day tlrst claes In every
respecti good sample rooms
UOWHICANA Malloy House only first
clas hotel In the city has lust been
refitted and remodeled Hates 2 per
day Col Mel tea Manager
DUNCAN I T CJty Hotel all travel-
ing men atop it lhe City Hotel rates
22 per day J L McPall proprietor
DECjCfOh TEXAS The bst 21 a day
touse on the Ftrt Worth and Denver
line laige airy rooms big fat beds
clean and the Utile loaded with the
best ths market Affords tes
he u se 100 yards from depot
DAVIS I P Uavla House only first
class hotel In th ctty Rates SU0
per day I W Davlb Trop
DWHLIN Wltey Cottage Mrs Dora
Wiley proprietress Headquarters
for commercial men
DENTON Hotel Oatman Unu Ada IL
Walden proprietress Only ftist d
hotel In cllii Dates I20per day
A Good Luck Sale This Wfeek
Of 2250 25 and 30 Prince Albert Suits at -
Wo havo 200 suits in black blue black and single and double broaslod bound and uhbouhd woMtod
F Prince Albert suits Wo shall give you choice of the cnliro lot at 1450 These aro London Cut as w0ll aa regular m
or stout men and slim men also regular size men Watch the window to cct an idon Wo resort to no tlisinnnaf nt3
1t I J Ml I 1 1 11 ll lw ll 1 1 1 WWU t j
uisiiuiiurauiu muiiiuus iu kui your uuimrs riuun now uo tiouuio uuiy uui win suiniu uiem anu your good will iiv
this as in all our great sales by giving you more lor your money than you can got in any other clollnng houso in
this or any oilier city Our advertisement must and will now as in the past reflect the truth Como tomorrow if vou
would have the best oftheso fine suits Mail orders will bo earofully tilled but must bo accompanied by lie cashes
suits in this sale will bo sold only for eash
iiiii waitih
cook at Stata hotel
Dcnlson Tex llaff Ilavslej
The Mammoth Clothiers Hatters and Furnishers
Uur 375 Pants Are Well Worth an Inspection
DUNCAN I T W llrfedto
iroiirletoy Jadtniott nt inwn
ENID O Tltoll CrurVer M
Crocker nrfPlelopWit sjli yiuiy
rHts II jerily
nr niiNO ol t rad to teCriTnk
Halm ni rlMor rr e 1 ck Island
vem nn1 Waits sirn
imt a r riZ
lv proprleWri nity tiniei in town
rlenli rooms nnd jtoo 1 taldo
OnAIMCVINK TX on7l Itonw
James loweit veo ttnr Npwly fur-
nished and lutntiil liuninl room
OAlNESVlLLE Ift Cleile hotel on
California liet is the most ren
ti ally located hotel in town entirely
rt nitrd nnd under pen manngrment
ailANllUtlY nio drande house Mr7
H B Almond proprietress meals
funlsleil an trains
hotel uoYAii aiLMrn tkxa
Jltst clnli ecjfnniix itlpns fur the
trn cling piihlld good rooms cltsn
beds and a table cnurl to any In
eaut Txiin rieranmple roois con
cnlont lUtnj II per ilu 3 P Hov
nil ptoprletoi
ITAHIC WlllMam 110UM Is the best In
the city tJre ceun roams Jas W
Giuism proprietor
lTWA PA gins Oroinmerclal
Hotel Iowa VaiK Tft the only
lllUlMH llUBI jn ll V1
JIlFFERHON liruner news Mrs W
F Hruner propiletrensi new house
near depot rstps H 6J per dsy
KINoriBltltn I T KInstlslier hntel
Mrs C L Desne proprletrrn new
brick nu Uble unexcelled rates
21 per day
LONavilCWSMixnolla hold Mrs Ot
M TRbler proprittiesst rates 12
per day
LAMPA8AB 8tr hotel Mrs U N
Gracey proprlitresst rates rossona
st passenger dpot and convenient to
buslnnn center of city mss recently
rented and refurnished by present
owner and placed In frttctass con-
dition Lnrger well ventilated rooms
grrriil beds and pew furniture and
ullh a tills supplied wllh the bet
the market affords H Is the leading
hotel of he eltyj rates 12 per day
Mrs W J Hunt Proprietress
MOUNT VEnNON Parchmsn House
Mrs C M Farchimn Proprlelrean
Only Urst clsss hotel In town pies ri
ant rooms nicely furnlsiinlt table
unsurpsmed Itses 12 per dsy
MINEOLAThe Ferguson House
best rote In town II and 1113 per
day speeUl attention given com
merrtal men TV C Ferguson Pro
McGHEOOn KIng hotel J T Davis
proprietor raiew n pur qsy
MAIHETTA I T Florence College
EverytMiR nw Inrsl clsss nemint
mod t Ions Ccminerelttt trolrrd i
speols ity H rt Thiers Pi op
MAUOW I T Clty hotel T Ji
Chapel proprietor ms olais
MKKIDIAN Emerson Heuso M D
Emerson proprietor Headquarters
for trvF pwoiw
MOUNT ILEAHANlv lnrner House
W C Turner proprletore One block
from gepbi
rooms HiTTrrmuieT --
NOKMAN OKLA Hotel Agnes Mlis
Utile Moore preprletor Drummers
teV s w Parr proprietor Nos 2J
and 27 First street
PLANO The Moore House Oeorge
W Wetter Proprietor Commercial
travel solicited sample rooms en
KcmolKo Ifrrl Hotel Mrs -D
M Drake proprietress Conven
lent to hotn qepois
BULnion Br niNoa tccirnn
nous J t McCllmons Pior rlelor
rti II per dsy Commrcal pat
ronsss solicited Isi ssmpls roomil
frss buss to androm trains
BAN ANOKLO llotl Nlmlti K A
Nlmlts Proprietor IIavln lad
P - 7s ii-
Mend Mdtn rU PuWii to
SUNBKT Clty Hotel fete Stsnley
proprietor Te horne
Jjirgo eamjils rooms nates II per
TBItnlXk Narrls House J 1 Mont
foVt PWl tor rr pod ipl
TRXA THC ANA Pene Held Hotel J iU
neneflehCi proprietor Hates II sod
tu ner dsr
Trayellni mens rewrt J V I awe
WAXAHACHIK iBlooBier House n
HlVoin proprietor HII door north
nostoinee W at all hours
- pirv rit hctrli
yroprietor j i --
Arltncton Up 1 J
tel a B Womsck proprietor Cony
iS all depoU nooms a I
iewly furclshtd lutes rrni Jl I
II H per day J
verHrotlaire House
WV li i asvi
riniWiK tWk
in tS
OOel proprl
room km v Mpf
zlS itu

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Fort Worth Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 18, No. 234, Ed. 1, Sunday, July 15, 1894, newspaper, July 15, 1894; Fort Worth, Texas. ( accessed April 24, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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