Fort Worth Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 18, No. 234, Ed. 1, Sunday, July 15, 1894 Page: 3 of 16

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ura i
CIIOIRHA MMHIltmO ov aim his
jUfUe McnnrM Tnken io Stop Its
lUvtiKIrH Ucer co
lllainnrck to li Olren a HI
Jleecitltnn on
Berlin July 1 Copyright 1R94 by
fhf Associated Press 0 The Centrist
party Is furious at the Bundesrath s
rejection of the relchalag bill to reptal
the anti Jesuit law and threatenH the
iroternmrnt with nil Kinua ot retauo
lion at the next session of the retch
etac The Catholic congress at Us
tsslons lit AuRunt will dclde upon
the general attitude of the Centrist
jorty In view or the action just lunen
Ly the Bundesrath
Htrlet rn surea are belnir taken at
all the frontiers of Germany to ex
clude CHOieru uuin hum wuuiry mm
U tnr thev have been successful Ex-
honled observations are bcinff mad
tnd especially alone the Huaslan fron-
tier Neverthehes six cases were found
l i tin Vistula river between Warsaw
find Dantrlo during the past -week
They are oeinc isoiiiieu ami do ap
LVohPTislon exists The Hamburg
Bite has forbidden the holding of the
ItBual fair in August na a measure or
Irecaution against the possible Intro
Ruction of cholera in that cltj The
l iipfliutrt and others who usually at-
end this fair have united with the
lor the pecuniar loss which they will
utter as n result or me senates or
Th hnvcott Inaugurated br the So-
lillst affainst certain breweries H
aged a wiuuy aa ever xne au
liorftles are inuirecuy assisune ene
ewera by the removal of the prohl
lllon asalnst Boldlers vlaltlnc bar-
oni and bpr garaens rrequenteu oy
jclallsts Hitherto thU had been
rlctly enrorcea in oraer to Drevcni
ntact between in irooDS ana tne
wlalists The gardens which mostly
11 boycotted beer hae been deserted
i the socialists ror places wnere un
a cotted beer alone is served but
n litter are stcadllv diminishing ii
imber AH the breweries of North
rmany ore forming a league in oraer
flcht the socialist uovcou
The annual armj manouevers In
plcmber about uromDerg on tne fo-
il frontier will be of unusual
t All tli men engaged win no or me
lis having less thun two years ser-
tmu the ocen do will h weda
test of the men enrolled under the
my law of 1633 The other noveltlcu
tne maneuvers win ineiuue expert
I nta with the reducfd weight Held
defrijened by the emperor who will
Iruonallj command the knight
jr manouvrea
vvuiiam nas eicciueu nRauiBi
Imperor of many prominent generals
jrelntnduce the light bayonet which
Infantry carried attactiea to tne
le upon all occasions except when on
march since me introduction or
t k firing guns bayonet charges have
t n regarded as almost obsolete I3m
or Williams visit to Covves in order
witness the more Important or the
lith of Hngland yachting regattas
n in vul n n tare There wilt
Ino official receptions
frtnc Bwmarck is veiling ms Hon
Ibert at bchoenhausen en louto to
Irsiii hts Bummtr home The ex-
Incellor locks feeble and la not in
ked to take ncllv exercise or long
rne8 The Journey of the prince
varaln wm he maue via uernn
I he will only stop ubout ninety
lutfi In this cltj He is expected
i on wonuay nna an immense ue
litrttlon Is in DreDarntlon
lr not Trlnce nismarck was the in-
kr of the article the Hamburger
Rhrlchten make the antl nnarchlst
Ration the subject of the most
Bt attack upon unancf nor von ua
ll eer seen The Kreuzztltung
dlibs Gimrnl on Cnorhl the
pncdloF of the social Democrats
Ip long promised eldenco to clear
rrt r Kneeba the American
house ownor who is charged with
sing has not been forthcoming
Kneeb frlenda now regard ms
as hopeless Ihe trial wllfproba
Balce place in Septcmb r
Bin R Jackton second aecretnry
le pntted States embasHy has gone
long ncntlon to Iiaden with ma
Comedte Trancnlse including
1lln has been giving performancea
but they hao peen pooriy
tumen thU due to the conlroersy
the Malt occasioned in tne
ch prewi and to the refusal of
enn to visit Berlin FranhTori or
aher net man city
nn companies however are De
Luerall well receHed In Clermany
e Lletpold the lulr presumptive
la throne of nvarli has conferred
liiiueiin tno ioiia meuai ot art
eral rjourko under the care ot
lelden hoa completely recovered
run ana will Hhortiy resuma mi
soeriior or Warsaw
usiumiiiis ATTACKKU
lAVoinen lluilly Trnll liv la
nornni ihlnM
torla n C July J4 Hong Kong
I med by the strnmr
ll a sorlout attack vpon two
or the American Tresbiterian
I n t Canton on Juiia 11- nil ft re-
ifVhlch ne of the latilea may die
rvwmrand Miss Haherstone ore
MmM of the unfartnnntf nilsaiaii
of mercj whose mishap was sole-
e w thtlr mistaken ministrations
f ere walklntr In Honam In the
ln ftrfl came nrfnoa a Ohltin
vwently in a dlng condition by
Of thfr rnnl with nH m
jSfJ hlm and procured a cup of
one of the ladles
iW hir s rnir
nureed with him They ao re
aim aa m m u i
SUt convejlng him
ai W I CB nlnllon OE
SPJW arouna aiiked it any
T fWn imintatfrcd to him
iRl women wntn th y
lat Oraetllln hurt liun o
a th man heJ BiMilly
ue ladle mnnllAn
llr ih nHmMuii CAViint
iutSSii no nbrolliil in a
a iilan vllh
I tt u a moment or two ihn
Mai rnLiro4 vented Itself
nd RI51 M nemli r escaped
lbthtt auer receiving a
S fcM0 a Wwidly China-
for iii i1 ke
re cmnnm enaeavonnir to
y r J iftaikn l n1 Ww
at Iht n t
Twit and iT1 ved her
i Hhrm hr- h oo belns
the ViiS Vth
I mier whTT V wrs ivrcutM
Inoth shop In
Bnlftl nil iMI attacked
1 itSrJnoutlnr anrt hnL
ed Sllis
Ufnilers wound Ins lm
Ion has compleieij collaped uir ihi
dealh1 rin 0nJ IS i
Mil6 J1 ha d much i
of urtrijr ttublo ar ontertalned
tfllV Wtlrt i b5 boa r
iSSib r 1oul11 w
ilt0 VrotKl th a rest
denl BUperalltlon
Ill mlilonarli tvlth appearance
th plKue and tholr preV arip u
Init extermination ot thlte crujidera
Clmmet Mill iilierlIlrM
Wlnnepes Man July Ai E
Telle seeretnrv Af th
ir 0llhe Wlnneper wa
ernoon on charges o
k i
ra7irt v or collection The
defalcation l talil 0 exceed 7x
The rrrneh tmn n
Pari July MThe JTench national
fete the annlipmnrv r n i - L
dlsturbanco wero reported
f liolern lucrenluir
ht 1eterBbure July lt pn hundred
und now casta ot cliol ra
and flfty kathi rom the dli ore have
been reported lere There are now
lo3 Pe ple urfMns from crolcra In lle
The rurtli Still Slinkrs
Constantinople July 14 Additional
alight shocks of earthquake were felt
here today Many more buildings
were damaged and there were some
deaths The population honeter Is
Killed b IlitlilnliiK
IJerlln July H Thirteen men and
women who were working In a Held
near Schnerts West Prussia were
Killed by lightning today
riKhtliitt lleln ern lnullli Subject
and the Troiii
Colon July II Copyrighted 1891 by
Ihe Associated Press Adtlces tecelv
cd here today from Horn Island the
spot which Is said to hae been so
much coveted by England say that a
serious encounter has taken place
there between the British subjects res-
ident on the Islal d and the Nlcara
guan troops The Urltlsh It Is added
defoated the Nicaraguan soldiers and
caused tlie governor of Coin Island to
fly to the forest for refuge The llrll
ish It also appears seized upon the
Nicaragua guvernment ofilces and
upon the Nicaraguan Hags
This so enraged the natives that they
fought for and obtained arms and suc-
ceeded In residing the government
Several wero wounded on both sides
In the encounters which have taken
place Martial law has been ptoclalm
ed at Corn Island
w isniMiov vcriON
A otlce to CuhIoiiim Ofllerr to lie on
the Lookout
Washington July U The treasury
depirtment totlaj Issued the following
The Treasury Department Washing
tot July 14 To Collectors of Customs
and Others This department la ad-
vised by the secretary of state that
he has received a communication from
Dr Guzman Nlcaraguan minister at
this capital stating that insurrection
exists In the Mosquito strip partici-
pated In by Americans and that the
government of Nicaragua fears the In-
surgent a will be aided by the arrival
of men of twar from the United Htates
Your attention la Incited to the neu
tiallty laws embodied in the revised
statutes of the United States chapter
LXVII and you are Instructed to cauae
their observance In jour district and
to detain any vessel departing or at-
tempting to depart from the United
Btatea In contravention to the provis-
ions of aald statute
blgned W B CUHTIS
Acting becretary
lie titorrilsi lu rirednsr Inmirnnce
LumpuiileM tint of Inrjte Sum it
New lork July 14 The World will
tomorrow sayi Warrants were issjed
In mtzabelh N J esterda by Po-
lice Justice NelU for the arrest of
hi lv eater J Klernan a well known real
estate and Insurance agent who also
It Is claimed has defrauded the Im-
perial Insurance compuny and North-
ern Inaurance company of London the
American Insurance company of this
lty the Manchester and Orient com-
pany of Hartford out of 36 500 The
amounts Involved are Imperial 19100
American 17500 Northern 5000 Orient
5000 Manchester 9500 dwindling op-
erations the real extent of wldch is
not yet known were discovered by
the recent burning of the Williams
and Clark fertilizing works at Car
Klernan Issued policies at large pre-
miums to the fertilizing companlea and
reported them to the companies he
represented as being lasuei on dwelling
risks at nmall premiums Yesterday
the chief ot police searched for Kler
nan but learned that he had absconded
on the previous da for part un-
Settle Warn a Hprt Too
Lexington Ky July 14 Evan F
Settle Dreckln ridges opponent ad-
dressed a large crowd here tonight
Many ladles occupied the boxea and
parquette He surprised hts audience
by confessing that about twelve years
ago he was a drunkard and a gambler
and that he had mortgaged his home
and lost it at cards That his wife
suad for the recovery of the money
but the court of appeals overruled
the decision of tho lower court and
ane got uuuw i - --
of hla weakness Mr Settle grew very
A Shootlnar l llftu ton
Houston T July 11 -Shortly be-
fore E oclock this evening William Ed
warda and Joel Williams became In-
volved In a quarrel during which the
former was shot through the stom-
ach and bruised about the head while
received a bullet between
the latter
hi j shoulders The shooting ouVred
of which Wll
In the Headlight saloon
There waa a
lams la the proprietor
general reticence about furnish nr In
tho affair but
format on
from what could be learned the men
qiiarreled over soma money
XroHUeal How lle4
St Paul Minn Julr 1 By a decision
court today the
cision in the supreme
ontro1 ct tn
Republicans -
SSTbody VepubMcana took th
iSH TKiQ tha court- 1U thresult
The Will Not b Tnken
Uncle Hit 4 the New Men Will bo
Hctntned Wherever Ther Are
Found to b CoiHitetent
Oalveston Tex July July The
strike la off and the militia special
deputy sheriffs and police have been
relieved from duty AU passenger and
freight trains are running on the Santa
To though a few are not on time
Nonu of the strikers It la aald will
be reinstated and crewa are ready to
take all acant places Patrick and
Mike Smith were nrrettted for Inter-
ference with thp United States malls
and were held In 500 bonds to an-
swer To night there was a mass meet
lng In Central park to discuss the
atiike situation About three hundred
were r resent The meeting wat of a
1opuutlc charactet and the speak era
were an Iopuusts John uwier a
prominent Knight of Labor condemned
the strikes The follow lng telegram
was road from 15 V Debs
All negotiations are oft our position
la stronger In consequence Fight to
the finish now Disregard rumors and
newspapers We are all right
The action of Mayor Tly In sup-
pressing the strike here w as con-
ThfrUacUbniiB llnillr llrokeu No Ar
tvntm ri
Dallas Tex July H The north
bound passenger trnln on the Santa Te
due to leave Dallas at 2 p m went
through today for the first time in
three days The firemen on the trains
or jptlerday and the day before struck
on reaching D ilas But the fireman on
todays train did not Imitate their ex-
ample When tho train etouned he
made a talk to tho big crowd of strik-
ers and spectators to the effect that
whlK he was strictly a labor organisa
tion man that he was no going to
nult hi Job until the Brotherhood of
riremen or vvnicn ne was a memner
ordered hln out and as the Brother-
hood had not vet Issued such an order
be would go through to Paris on hit
So far no atena havo been taken to
protecitj the itrlkrra for Interfering
with tha tram mission of the United
States malls by delavtng the trains on
the Santa To allroad at Dallas But
from the presence of Pftmaster Hill
In the Siinta Ie yards when the trains
are Hopped and certain remarks let
drop by raljroid officials at the proper
time ine proper pariiea win do uuiy in-
Mr Prjan T Rnlder dlvWcn freight
agent of the Santa Fe at Dallas re-
ceived InMrueth ns frrm the generil
oiUcea this morrlng to receive freight
from nit points on the nyatem without
restriction Prom which It ia inferred
that tho atriko Is broken
A meeting of the American Hallway
union and other laborers waa held to
ntgnt In the Irish American hall TeU
grams were read from President Debt
whjch gave everv Indication that he
was as full of fight as ever
rirrniFii Hettirn t WnrU
Temple Tex July 14 The following
general order w u issued shortly after
7 this evening
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
all over the Gulf Colorado and hanta
Pe return to work at once This docs
not Include American Hallway union
firemen who are atao members of the
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen If
an Brotherhood of Locomotive Fire
men reruse io perrorm ms wnoie uuiy
after this they are to he cut off by
the company and other Brotherhood of
Locomotive Firemen put in their
places Signed I T DOWS
General Manager Yoakum Galvca
ton L H Waugh Cleburne and
F A Carlson Gainesville were in-
formed as follow a
Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen
agree to return to work at once
A Clmitl II or I
Little Tlotk Ark July 14 A cloud
burst occurred at Lead Hill Ark
yesterday A stream running through
the town overflowed and wide scope
or territory Inundated i ousea fences
and timber being washed away The
Tatum roller mill was swept from
its foundation and completely wrecked
The miller William Trust living In
a cottage near the mill made his
escape but the house his wife and
four children wero carried away and
drowned A number of persons nar-
rowly escaped death All the stores
along the creek wero flooded and the
goods In them damaged or destroyed
nnnttem nt Temple
Temple Tex July 14 Twelve United
States rangers arrived here last night
and are ttatloned around the Gulf
Colorado and bant Fe grounds No
1 which was due here yesterday even-
ing at 2 o clock arrived Lere t lny at 7
a m No 41 from tho west arrived
on time No 1 arrived at Z 50 p m
fifty minutes late and after a ahort
delay went out
No 2 arrived at 3 p m forty min
vtea late and Is expected to ko out this
evening No freight tmlna have left
hro today Kvcrythlng la quiet and
The Nlnj or nnd Onernl Are JSot
Well llth l
Chicago 111 July 14 The story Is
false from beginning to end I shall
ask General Miles at once to do me the
Justice of denying it aald Mayor Hop-
kins today referring to a report from
Cincinnati to the effect that General
Miles before the state militia waa called
out called on Mayor Hopkins and
askea If he Intended doing his duty
and would call the state militia Ac-
cording to this report the mayor an-
swered that he should not mix up In
the matter whereupon General Miles
pulled out his watch and said he would
give Ma or Hopkins just thirty min-
utes In which to Issue Instructions to
his police and to call out the suite
mllltla and that If he the mayor re-
fused to obey he would declare the city
under martial law and arrest him for
X have had but one Interview with
deneral Mile continued the mayor
and that wa Saturday evening about
C oclock thtrty alx haunt after 1 had
called for troopa and when most of
them wers In the nld Prior tn that I
had positively ro rommuitlcatlon In
any way with any federal officer Gem
eral Miles called on me at the request
of Marvin lughltt President Black
stone of tha Alton and General Mana-
ger Ecitti Ties gentlemen had been
to aee roe early In the afternoon to ask
if Uirt could unity of apHon1
tween th federal and aUttlrcopa Z
asked Mr Tigan whether the federul
troopa would come to the aid uf the
lxHce and lnllllia If a riot occurred n
block away from the railroad tracks
Mr Kuan miM not answer me and tha
gentleman went to General Miles to
find out Later General MUeacalwl
my ortlco and I talked wltli him tn the
of Comntroller Acktrman
Corporation CoUn8elJluhen Colonel
Donovan and Alderman McUlllen The
general told me his Instructions wero
to guard federal buildings In Chicago
to protect the United States malls and
see hat the roads engaged In the Inter-
state commcre mnlnea wera not In-
terfered with but that his troopi
would aid mllltla and police upon the
request of the mayor or any of hU
ofllcers Not since have I had a per-
sonal talk with General Miles 1 be-
lieve General iOlea ia a fair man X
shall ask him ui once In Justice to me
to deny tho itory I believe he would
do ao
Mayor Hopkins lent a letter to Gen-
eral Ulea calling attention to the story
and asking the general to write a
letter saying the report was unfounded
Major Hopkins received the following
letter In answ er to his to General
I have the honor to reply to your
letter of 4hla morning enclosing ex-
tracts from to days Inter Ocean In
attending to my official duties I have
not had the time to read what has
appeared In tho publla press nnd havo
declined to be Interviewed I think
more thnn one hundred tltnea during
the last ten dais but as this comes
to me In jour letter I have rend It
It appears to be sensational and I
think It unnecessary ta state In detail
what parts are unlruy and what are
not I did not cull upon the president
by long distance telephone 1 did not
say that I should declare martial
law or that I slfould plac you under
arrest or that I had been instructed
by tho president to tako any such
The substance of my remarks waa to
apprise you of the fact that tho red
era forcea under my command were
here to protect government proptrtj
to assist the United States marshal and
the United States district attorney In
the execution of Ihelr duties and In
opening mail routes and tho lines of
Interstate commerce and if required
to suppress any Insurrectional that I
assumed and knew that the authorlti a
In Washington expected that the muni-
cipal and state governments would to
the extent of their power preserve the
publla peace and order In this city and
state I stated should they be over
powered In so dotng that I would ren-
der them all the assistance and that
as far as I was concerned the forces
und r my command desired to
work In harmony with lYo clt nnd
state authorities In the enforcement of
the- laws and Hi restoration of peace
I have the honor Co remain very re
spectfull yours
Major General United States Army
in iin ami -ii
A distinguished Chicago minister
who has been In this tlty this weik
explained ta one ot hts brother minis-
ters his reasons for entering the min-
istry aa follows I have a brother
who la a preacher of the word of God
nnd who now has charge of a promi-
nent church In the city of Chicago But
up to tho lime I enteicd the mlnlstrv
I was In tho banking business I wna
taken very 111 with rheumatism and
was bed ridden for several months At
la t the uitentQ gathered around my
heart rrd It was thought that my
time had come Mv friends and phy-
sicians wer Jturo Unit death would
enrue In a short Hint and It might
cc me at anv moment In that dark
hour I turned to mv Gcd and promised
him that if he would spare my Ufa I
wjuld devote Ihe rest of It to his min-
istry As by a miracle I began to grow
better from that hour and In the course
of time I was restored to Derfoct health
I bellevo that his rfftcratlon waa dun
to my compnet with God hnd I thall
carry out mv part of It by sioaohlnir
tho goiptd to the end
Caot C L Llghtfoot has returned to
the city from a weeks visit to t bur-
ner This was the first time aald
Capt LikhtfnoL that X had ever been
lu a mining 2amp and vherj was misih
about the situation that waa novel to
me One thing that I notlsed wui tho
lemarkable system with which f very
thing la carried on at the rolra Lvtry
thtng at the mlnea Is the pnpsrty of
the company The houses Ihe sores
and everything In the town Is under
the cimpanja control excrpt he gov-
ernment building and everything alout
the town la conducted with the utmost
smoothness and regularity In every
branch of tho business Ona thing that
attracted my notice waa the residence
of Vice President Ward which la after
the style of the bungalow of the East
Indies used by tha resident member
of the great East India company They
ara splendidly adapted to a hot cli-
mate and I think they could bo used
to great advantage In Texas during tha
hot season As is well known a dis-
astrous strike waa narrowly averted
at the mlnea a short time ago but now
all Is quiet there and the work la go-
ing steadily on The mining population
though heterogenous la law abiding
and no further trouble la likely to oc-
In a muslo store over on Houston
street a splendid Ewtsa m utile box was
giving forth a divine harmony from
one of the great masters A small
crowd of delighted listeners had gath-
ered around but In the crowd was one
for Whom music evidently had no
charms He was a typical specimen of
the genus small boy and when the
music had ceased he walked tip to tha
beautiful rosewood box peered within
nnd exclaimed to hts companion Jlm
mle what a dandy toot chlst that
would make If all thtntwhel and
things woa took outr l
A Triple KMHnif
Lovelock Nev July 14 Three men
Wru kllliwl none hr Thnnula nll
as the result of a husbands Jealouay
HObert Logan shot and killed Dan
uveocK ana Xred Hum van and was
in mm iviitru uy ui utvii wjip AITS
Logan had applied for ft divorce and
her husband waa Insanely Joaloua of
her The people here denounce Logan
aa a coward and commend Mrs Lo
gans courage
-- -
Shot Iter illQlmnd
Burkeyllle Tex July J Ocorge
Youngblood called at the residence of
his divorced wife and Insisted upon
seeing tier She ordered hlra to leave
and as he did nor do ao quick enough
she shot him with two barrels pt cquir
rel shot In ale tin painful but not fatal
S i
rvcit GiNtuiiiTii nr 31 ay
W1V TI1I3 vicioin
A Cb f Where the I nut Shall he
Mr l nnd lli Flmt Shnil be Ln t
HenttMna Krlenita Think He Una
So Cnuae tu hr DUeonrtiaed
Austin Tex July 14 Here we are
within a month of the atato convention
and still forcnstlne on tho gubernato-
rial problem can at beat be but con
Jeclure The managers of the Interests
of the respective candidate continue to
keep up soihe activity at their head-
quarters and to flcura for fVtie
results to their respective champlons
but tho returns Are far from aatUfac
tory to anj of them The primaries
have failed to stack up a major tv for
cither candidate and what it still more
perplexing they have not developed
that sort of enthusiasm und unani
inlty that vve are accustomed to sou
tn Texas campaigns aa polntcia to
probabilities It la a peculiar can-
vass in which tho proverb ta aptly
Illustrated that tho race Is not alvvaja
to tha swift nor tho battle to the
strong Judging from a rnrancea and
the general talk therlcnds of the
loading candidate aieAiot
sured or sanguine thn the
lknn nf th
hindmost mun In tha lace Home of
them It Is true affect to bcllove he
will et pull up to a majority for tho
Biiuiu cpviung count but thia la chim-
erical und scarce ti amounta to a ci edi-
ble campaign Joke it is just almply
Impossible for nny one of tho can-
didates to go lu with a majority or
anything approximating audi a vote
barring death wttldrawal and other
like casimlltle The foremost man la
not likely to reach within n hundred
votes of the coveted majority on the
first second or third test of strength
and they do say that to be in the
lead and et so far ahort of the whi-
ning vote Is not according to prece-
dent the most dcalrablo position to
occupy und It Is on this tluory that
Mr MoCall s friends nro quietly cod-
dling -- poBslbllltlea of the upheaval
when the Instructed piny la exhausted
nnd the delegates feel at liberty to iorm
new atllances
Mr Itouffuna managers nnd friends
generally are by no means discouraged
that he is not tho leading candidate
lhev are quite confident that hts name
rill be before tho convention on the
last ballot and that the winner will
have causa to reaped the running qual-
ities of hit final com pot I tor
But whether Mr Ucagun be nomin-
ated or not hla canvnas U already a
titumph for hts caune and baa fixed a
ciowti of elory for hla achievement
HIb competitors alt stand fUt fuoted
erect und defiant on tho free and un-
limited coinage of allvei plank in the
platform of principles liid down by
the grund old patriot and a vust ma
Jorlty of tho people stand with them
Whether this la due tu Mr ltcugano
Btand and tho gallant fight he hua
muUa against the sliver pallc of the
admlnlsratlon Texas Is very much In-
clined to Mve him tho credit for jl
Nor Is it doubted that the convention
will emphasize the victory for allvpr
and accord to Mr Heugan the Juat
meed of praise for si boldly combat-
ing and tta successfully overthrowing
the pernicious policy of demonetisa
tion of one moiety of the world s metal
money In the interest of the other
The convention will alro remember
that lie threw hlmsilf In tho Imminent
deadly breast where a renowned and
vullhtnt little giant stood like a sit-
ting bull to beat back the opposlntf
silver champion und thua ivo dis-
tinguished warriors of the a dm in Hi ra-
tion one with a lifetime Judgeship t
IGOOO a ear nnd the other with u for-
eign mission at 16 000 u yeai stood
upon his Hanks to guard the Ther
mopnllae of tho gold standard cohorts
In Texas
It Is n foregdtie conclusion that Mr
Iteagans views on silver und the vlewn
of the other three candidates as well
will bo crystullzfHl In the state pint
form at Dallas Thla will bo Mr lieu
gana greatest victory but tho nomina-
tion should go with it as a fitting tri-
bute to Ills worth und the crowning
honor from a Just a noble nnd a grate-
ful people to n who pnlilotlo und
faithful publlo servant Ho deserves
tho fruits and the honors of his vic-
tory but h will be a grander flgurs
In history as tho successful champion
of free silver than us u successful can-
didate for any office Ho can afford
to retire to private life In hla old ago
without the gubernatorial gem In his
coronet Blnco he can carry the brighter
Jewel and the one that so vitally utTiots
the interests of mankind und will prove
as Imperishable aa tha Ian gu ago that
embalms his triumph C W 8
Ilobert Colfax an extremely absent
minded young man clerked It In a
hardwaro house on Broadway He was
a handsome fellow Hla wages enabled
him to live In a good boarding house
Like most young men of hla age
Ilobert was madly In lovo with a pret-
ty girl the only child of an old farmer
Love between the two was well ad
V a need They exchanged a regular cor
respond nce ana otien made un oppor-
tunity to apeak to each other In spite
of the old gentleman who would never
consent to the match hla only desire
being that of seeing hla Charlotte mar-
ried to a rlcn man
And ao It happened that Ilobert
while attending to the correspondence
of the firm found also time to renum-
ber hla beautiful sweetheart And be
tWwen one bualueas letter aud another
he often wrote one of love
A shipment of live kegs of nulla hav-
ing been made one oay to a Mis
T borne of Chicago Colfax wrote that
lady u few lines notifying her of that
fact He then put the letter In un en-
velope and scaled It before wrtttlng the
A little later on he found time to drop
a line to his loved one who hud Just
gone out of town He wrote
My Dearest- love you How much
vou cannot even Imagine Far from you
life Is unbearable and tiresome If you
wish 1 ahull go to you at once 1 long
to see you I send you a bunbonnlere
With love youra etc
And In his absence of mind instead
of writing hla own name he signed the
letter with that of the firm He then
aealed the envelope and addreaaed it
Mrs Thorne Chicago III
The letter Intended for Mrs Thorne
read as follows
Please take notice that I have ship-
ped you thla day five kega df nails of
the usual brand Kindly credit me with
amount -of invoice lours truly
He sfgnrd it with a flourish ilobert
Colfax and bad it mailed to bis Char-
lotte among the firms correspondence
Two days afterward Hobert received
a letter He opened It Impatiently and
after reading it chnnged color several
timer It waa Charlotte who had writ
Mr Colfax I cannot have any feel
lor toward bus who would send ioa five
kega of nulla 1 I imagine how hd woull
hall me ir h were my husband 1
havo found here a wealthy man whd
will marry me next Mreck This la the
bsult of your abaem of mind vf
which 1 have had amplo proof Take
care and be 1cm dlatrnught in the Xu
lure HoapcctfuUy
After having read thla letter for the
tldrd ttmo Hobert struck the desk with
hla rtfcht fist causing the Inkstand to
empty Itself on the books lo their ut-
ter ruin
What ihe devil are mi doing Col
fax Are jou eiied the office
manager and Kobcrt all conrustd ex-
cused himself pi omitting to cover Ht
hla own cxpenae the damage done
Meanwhile he naked permission and
hurriedly left the omce
f jioWrt what did ou wrtto to Mrs
Thorne ot Chlcogup asked Ihe proprie-
tor of the firm In h loud tone a few
days nftc
The notice or the effected shipment
quletlv ICptlcd Uobtrt
Its Impossible
How apt
Get the letter book and let ua aee
replied the employer
Here It la
Mrs Thorne Chicago
Pleae take notice that I havo ship-
ped jou this dai five kegs of nails
Ah ahP paid Mr Ullllam That
widow evidently has gone crary I
cant tmdeiBtund It aid handing a
letter to Colin he left tho room
Tho later run thust
Mr Waller B Williams I accept
our proposal with gieat pleasuic I
recollect our nice appenrnnre ua well
as sour marked courtesy to mo when
Sou were here I shall expect to nee
ou soon In oidcr to come to n speedy
agreement Youra very sincerely
MUH 1HUHNI2 Cm 0 Black
Then Bobert understood ho mis-
take and laughing clumMly left Him
omce hurrlellv
The voung man started for CMeago
the nrxt da In ureter to Intioduce him-
self to the widow Taking advantage
of his fashionable iippetirnuce and ro
fined maunetnand profiting by the mis-
understanding at the iuiihi time pie
tending to be a member nf the firm of
W O Williams ho Introduced himself
to tho old and ugly widow
By courting her for a few hours he
succeeded In making Mrs Thorne fall
lu love with him lhcn he put tilings
before here In their irtie light ac-
quainting her aa tu his standing and
explaining tho object of hla llt lu
Chogo aa well ua how tho misunder-
standing had happened
Ihe old woman wua elated and
Iaugid heart 11 y
About n month after the departure of
Colfax Mr Williams who could not
explain the unexpected absence of hla
chirk received the following communi-
Mr Ilobett Colfax now proprietor of
tho firm of Thome Chicago nnd Mrs
Helen Thorne nee Black take pleun
ure In announcing their wedding which
took plato In December last
And so It waa that lloberl beenme tho
proprietor of one of the moat impor
tnnt houses In Ch1fagothatka to hla
absence of mind New lork Press
1 11111 Himic Miis
Capt Begga la at Cressou today
shipping Homo cattle
Prank M Weaver has returned from
Sulphur Springs Ho 1ms about COuo
head of cattle In the Indian Territory
In fine condition
The hoiirla of the live- stock agents
for the vurloua railroad and the cuttle
ralHira and shlnnem itmigiaHv nra
Jolclng that thtie la a lift In the clouds
and tho way to their markets Is now
The catllemcti expect a Mg rush dur-
ing next week and shipments will be
mige pvrr nil ilw roada Ihcre are not
miny cuttlempu In the city now moat
of them belnfc In the Territory pre-
paring to ship out
O W Breedloto of Summit Indian
Terrltor U 1 10 re today Mr Breed
love Bfl8 the water and grass waa
never llm r and that ho Is prepared to
stand n Mega of ninety ilnM und to
muce money every itny of the slfge by
getting hla cattle In line form und ton
Mr J W Barbr 1ve etock ugent
for the Cotton Beit hua Just nrehfcd
a telegram from G w Barnlmrt kcii
eraf Might agent of the Cotton ihlt
to tlm following effect We are Juat
In receipt of Information that tho strike
liM been declared nff All Iniplnesa for
po nta on or iciirtwd by the Cotton Belt
will be received nnd hanllM with the
usual promptness without any ies trlc
tlons of any kind
Mlitntithl Imierrtl
Galveston Tex Jul J4 At mid
tin inlerm and tnipuKivo funeral
5EETIm of IT Ktilghta of KadoHh
wero held over I ho icmalna of the de-
ceased grand mmwiinefei of Hoottish
il Ian fnr the outhern
Phillip C Tuckir Ihe
hvnM U1 bo lnnJ thla morning
bv the AUuona of Galvwtori
-- -
Tlrre Mr 11 Untuned
Buillngton Jowa July 34 If B
Walker a yoiJng lawyer B A Walk-
er hla father and T H Walker his
uncle were drowned In the river to-
night B M Walker wa sclxed with
prnnira utiil tin riv -
- umei tnu were uiuu
Bed down while trying to rescu him
A l uhil akin Hide
Hustings Minn July 14 The steam
yncht of Dubuque named MJgnon
went up the rWtr yesterday with a
pleasure party on bard Two were
drowned while going ashore In a skiff
Mrs George Shrlyer of Dubuque and
her nephew H Brown of
Chicago were the victim
Vniutfdoclies County
Nacogdoches Tex July 14 Returns
from the primaries today Indicate that
the county has gone for Culberson for
governor Perkins for congress and the
majority rule
ORileu tor fjorrnur
Bryan Brazos Co Tex f July 14
ThU box In Itcpubllcan county conven-
tion today Instructed delegutca to vote
for straight llepubllcans In national
slate and district conventions It In-
structed for V W Knox for congress
Ogden of Han Antonio for governor
little llontrfalit
Slide Tex July 14 Mr Milton T
Bale and Miss Beatrjght were married
at tho Methodist Episcopal church yea
terday at 8 JO iitn Itev Kellers officiat-
Mr Bale la one of our moat successful
farmers MlM Hoatrlght Is a charming
young lady from Highland Home Ala
Drowned In the Itlo Ornnile
CI Paso Tex July 14 Pedro Peres
was this afternoon drowned In the
Itlo Grand in he presence of bis wife
und children
Tvana ro toniees
Washington July IS The appoint-
ment today of Will Burkina as post
aster at Ladonla Tex was due to the
resignatloii of thej Republican post-
master Thla office la tn the district
bf Represe ntatlve Hal ten who has re-
fused to make any recommend etlona
for presidential appointments Mr
Ralley howeyer aniende the appoint
mnt ifn
A poatofflce was eatabllshea today at
La In Limestone county Gideon I
Jordan postmster
uncle Isaac d parrer
j 1
CAM ilr
Tlil Tttno t w Awo i
but Kkllt J4 in HlBVt
A 11m llrfalloa
Witn 111 11
Kmjoos n irtnl wonl n
Unci Io0 tj km h0 ha or
mt Kttn mt t cur prominent nil
tens an I hho n
Tnrront in th it ifnijinturr ror I
some tlms nsat ihn j i J
In dsnjcr ci icolng blind in tin 31
wos for lma t led surrerlnir with
ulwriltlon ot lh tfe aHfj
2YCnrii0 k tt fn
f Vn ilk iU Mulllns the ll
Ill nJJlu h n1
ufA 1a w that not b ray ot
light coma nw Di Mullin Pfttorm
td on ouratlon ana uUhouili tnrl
una 111 OfUot operation that th
old gentleman iaj at one Tienefltea
nnJ this momlny fully rotorcil 10
iSl m V im to hla home at
II 1 lrcl na owes a X
Jht ot Knillirjf to Drfc Mulllns 3
Jlnlllns and hi ret of friends con-
nvv luiiu unu mm mi ins sue
eesaf ul outcome rf the treatment
Iirnl Mbeelmeii
Meaara A A tyalker M Blblea and
-- ulv u uym viruunia
by th treat blcjelo route ytertrAJ
cieninir anil niii nn ai iri Kinh
Chief nt the iJHvuon an oM Menl
of thelra Thei left aelmrne at 6 nnd
nrrled her at J 11 m They will
roluni this etenlnr
Solid Trains Into St Louis
on Ita own rails The only line
Wagner Bltrplnff and Palace Be
cllnlng Chair Cars through ta
StLoniKaasajCity aca ChlcaiQ
Through Uleepera to Ban Autoulo anil
turns Litvi ronr horth
Nortli boitiHllI40 a in 10il4Ipm
Nmith lHHimI iiUia m 4ir3m
Ticket ofllcc Fort Worth cort Fourth
and Houatofi streets
VT II AV INFIELD Cltjr Ticket Aft
and T llr of lavas Denlsou Tax
Summer Excursion Tickets
TiKutfraraHiJiiiu ui lh cuouiu
Lakes and Woods
gTLon cniciooaflaasiTiioruTiuJ
Prominent Summer Resorts
Tor rle roate Mra uble sod UlJfm
luatloa neMrr tors tumm trip Mdra
any Ageat of tb Oumpaar
A A ounoii B a waumbb
rrTwouTUiEx xrutuTKX
ti nlfulfliJJkhtllut
pr ifloi tia
Of America
Toronto Ont July 19
to 22 1894 u
Thn Missouri Knnsaa nnd
n nltrnmnn1T will
Bell July lO atid 17 at ona
faro for tha round trip re-
t ii -ii ni rtri
luin lirait j -
rur of extension until
Septetnbur 16 1804 Foj
partioulars call at olty tiokefc
nnim ai5 Houston Street
corner Fourtli
City Tiekat Aceafc

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Fort Worth Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 18, No. 234, Ed. 1, Sunday, July 15, 1894, newspaper, July 15, 1894; Fort Worth, Texas. ( accessed April 15, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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