Fort Worth Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 18, No. 234, Ed. 1, Sunday, July 15, 1894 Page: 12 of 16

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rsll1eil everr tier In Ike Year Ity
statu rnimia ronrivr
f reslseat 1 lee lresldaat
K J iTtAUT Irrnlarr
r fU WILLIAMS Cnil Hflnsaer
K I nTCrt MaaajilBC I dllr
ljuiocit otr cincmvriot
LAncrT aorTiiKiw cincruiTioT
With Trf nzrptlaaa
Entered at the postoSee at Tort
Worth Tex a second class nail
Traerllaa AKenla
The traTellng agent or The Osteite
are J T Terrr A E Rogers W 1L
JncsHs Jan Bird W If Bred
Letters ef uthority are glren tj n
colter parties specially accredited to
represent tnu paper
Atl mttmufftf In TntR OklslloIM
and Uie Indian Territory are author
lsrJ o relve subscription
r sir et t t tut CumpilntM
We r rt cad to ponoUnw
of 1 j riy aa candidate
f r n 1 i wileaiBttr tor Txds
t v action ot the Democratic
race two
If ffc tlitveite prtntrJ all Ihe nrtl
U Mprx les ry mtntlrm r
r nrrr Jl t wulrt
uf lis raliiMUk 1ft
It I tInniU nt iTrJ 1t
tiva4 mnllrr art turn
villi nritt I all irr
Iibtv Mir ryitrllilltit f rlHtm
Itnell rHtpil t Hie Ctn0itp tut
t ntnvprrnmrr ut wJi
rt ti im ti ron pi Ar
r ms will r
r ther eh
i n loo mfh i
v i e ntfotir
r hi i of the du - h
t ij ri pulnr
j leartnc
J 011
3 i a
j i
j - - w im tht
I 2 i mine
- -
n c nirm iti Hum iom
A n n toara th f
1 ilua ehi
r r i njnctal dl -
t u v tra latent i t n
ft r r which tl - 1
tt I- ifi f wtndun to i in i
U r - to 111 tit I 1 Hi a
rrp t Kuardrd i t it
Hi t ilut lal rM tr
th i -1 ulturi HdJfantwi s n
U 1 i I ns ft
root i l lit larvrst tOUti v ti
n f - en fnr t
ttl 1 i i - tt Huntry i i d
nt i ii - hut In ii r the
t i ir i Uf nynu
x i - pevpla s r ii
pcr juti ml i J I nil reol r tr
th Mr ti tuita at reUiuuerativ t rl n
t y a n nt tiguoO In u
old beaten paths and thouiJ lat
und eai ftl lr nboat a chsni
Slat all is 1 1 timed now Ttun t
been u i j tuaksnlng The fltifi
clnl m Msprfad depmaatii
li at bran tf l dutr notably
V f oKritUltur b Ai arouwed 1k
jm i c i o til thaicy into trhl 1
j ars of p p rlty h4d tuTlrd them
and tl y nr at llndlnp out that
tar mrw tiun tblry yeont a system
of tariff robbm uudcr the tiW
hnir slowly but none tbe leits steadily
ani surely aWcJ In hrlttslne about Um J
prtMent condition of fl lax nation They
havo learned this tmd more The j I
na coroQ to realise tnot American
whrat and oolton no lortr haa a
mouMPOly of for ten iuMnts We
iat been In Iitl In the produc-
tion bf thaw uip en m i have con- j
Beau ally contKl tht worlds nvn
Veto anl lit nil probability we wll
conilnut tn do so Uut thd steady
fail In prlcwa and the kn com-
jtctltbiW of other protiuclna cunttiv
haw rtoiltwl in siertvus Injury to
Anericat fannr and II American
far n jrudttots nr to retnsi tfielr lead
In turtMgn taaiiets and uo6tniuit
tacet and overcome oompetttbrn
anolhvr blanch of bt protectlvp
aystem must bo swept ay ay is the
ftA uUxud WfU that none save
built iip9 siv orlh to fly the
Anfeifean Hi if Tf anttquatid dot
tritia 1 Jirnrly rd pocslb for the
ccnupttuous MiA inmn ity
f uurjaeteharit nav and tm humit
troylnc bllgbt of prelection ha pre-
vented a people with unequalled marl
time advantage from bonding up a
merchant navy that would hare de-
veloped a foreign Irande and created
a demand for the products of the
American factories and farm Utst
would have placed us In a position
where we mould be secure from the
UJs we now endure
Down with the protection theorr
Giro us tree ships Let the merchant
bur his ship where he can ret it the
cheapest and with the Stan and
atrlpes Dying from her masthead carry
our WAcat and cwtton and manufac-
tured products In erery foreign mar-
ket and one safeguard will be pro-
vided against a recurrence of the
panlo from the effects of which the
country Is now suffering
When Herbert 3penT vlsltrd this
country he criticised the American rw
pie for their too abundant good humor
The New Tork Times In a recent issue
bows quite clearly that the criticism
was not unfounded and further that
Aet 1 trootl nattir rarrlmA ti -
th nnr kent m file and 1
tUlnrrsiesnUy be ascertained at the that a a na
rrf ef The American Newspaper 1 ton we are too lone rolerlng the
Pti Anwuilon Tempi- T i charge besra strongly on Ihe people
SST ISi 7 ProriWally
Tort mwycujjt
x ttttm brlB ifle w tb
The French have a sarins Lafesex
P c B cloith wl arat for for- I oo fair that Wmtttr trastatd
4cn adrfrtutnc rt4 Dont tolbtr ua awl ttrlr
expr Use reeUs or loo x aaor In a
tiiLLt rrnnir a -
In miswttlaelaBssMssWIl I - m v
rn it1
ff i
nrMr inbtnlttH
it aeeerditd br Umj tHIIaa iVnUc of
T rtafMrtt ha sMMIftlH
tHpO aftfir taw B la Wf of Mr
r la f 5 Qfftea Melod atrtL
ITpLtIl TT1 -0
JOB in till
C 1
trmjrht composition
he CacetWa UooiTP
T- th catalfffu I
F It ATlOHri GKliHAl
Frl fT
n uic fclra
ra of th it
i TrxAT oovKH n
j to aanom
cardldA foi
ill jn for aUeuto
tlt hlt MMl raakiMi 4r4Irin an sTrH Tt
j la ao inucfa easier to give laxy at-
qulesctne than to expotnuUte Tlcor
i ously taat It rrquiitlr happen wa
to oo prtBJmoe ooraelrefl to ba lm-
prje o npoa and often actually
fratide a whn our British ootutaa over
thr -water would sntxamou all Um fore
of the p reai and of courts to right
Nr la thl aajr fxA nature mrtlr
C It may uodr oartaJn
t e U etne an aaavt far Xht
htnont of poaldt trft Tn
aim ioIcar noooraa Pttr spoo
tlun tSlnhotiatr In work and ar
imatlc nrtlKct of duly all of tbaac
Thiuuna to a weaJiealat vt Ui rvstrala
in forca of tha law and making of
licialt wti oualst to b ffuardlana of
me and property cajrleat If not ac-
tually criminal In cHlca tala rxoeatt
of giod nature laada to a arninent
of rings tha paontat monay Is mlt
ai pnatds irmteiwney ntarka avcry
department walla 111 liept stra vu and
inadtuate fir protection render the
city easy prey to petenoa and tn
name In private aIair UHnits are
no betier for the reaaon that It re
u iree tyitiTtinn t itlck and aonw
i be cu one doea not chooaa to
a pnarr and rather than
t ili nsf thAn the indWdtial pie-
f m to mttnalt to wronj and to te
twuidinl in ptmt and Quality of
rVeekf or7hK J ed f carrying eod palure
fffl fo uriln mil cnniribaliun to Uiw Ofrnvurttle extent any nactect
irwnl urirt matter n IvUniI Ui
nnf iirti ni v tFstt tith a w uiiuorraiy expoeaci r
rj tittempt t defraud a people of
Uuif just dt as brcucht Into the
k art f lny ri men reK8rlleaa of
t tr piiUljn were made to do their
f 1 luty or pay im Ug enalty of
hi i i loins then there would be
r i r r that imcint tf ffood humor
wh ti in corr men tat It and which Is
a raflex of falily oernetl approval
has ben tnllcata at
tu an 1 Its trenath demonstrated
m nt nt by tl e lifally elvcted nip
rme inuUes of the peojilt if auorame
i i that Issue safely setiletl It
i ru r hat thoushtful men ahould
inriun whether there la a oonattHt
iionol nnd expedient retney for thf
laht r tioubtes that recur with erer
tncrf aitiiis fnHuncy tn disturb oom
nun and unsettle conflileiw
It deallntf vlth this problem tt Is
SrntlAl to any Just analyst 6f It to
reirfita tha fatt that behlntl the
strlki thetv tt a uoiisoWioa oad a con
ictlon terrible In it earnestnee The
ttuusiiids uf railroad wurker who
ut the mandate of tne American
Jiilvni tnlon behoved that they were
dutiMC riicht and that to do otherwise
would be to do wronc This fact has
un important bearlnv on the question
it an ultimate solution necavwe the
man who acta upon principle and Is
trying- to du light will finally discover
the light rwpecUUy If it U presented
to rim In a fair und a temporal
I it it
Ulir prr wnt conditions iToree Is tho
onl ij14 Hate court ut either side to a
tot dmimte on one side embodied In
th or Necessity on tbe other In
i iKorous form of the Hoy
t in a oolites t bulween thus two
tsity usually win--but at what
a to thw tctor to tha vanquished
and to the public
CUUlKsUon should lmve iro reused
far oupUKh by this time to havo found
better method for thi scttlemeftt of
pmttction bss been wblcli
ffolnij economic dilutes thsn the Xtral plan
of trial bj combat
The rlRhts of noclety as a hole can
no looser b briMhed aslds on the plea
of tiidlvUlual right There Is no In
dividual tlcht In tbht country cither to
destroy or to tuwte deslruetlun Chris-
tianity ha so wuy diRused tbe btue
flosnt doctrine of the trusteeship of
man that blRotry and hlihness can
not cloak themselves in the armor of
personal toverci uty and dify 1uWlo
Opinion It ptxtpirly assumo jurlfcdlc
tlon oer suth dispute- and that Jurls
dlctun extt nds in all dtrvninw With-
out the pi ii of lis am p tni rail
t illo at li ftijjo Would tia found li
n i IiiT olt insk it iia copiHl
wnn c Am ri n natlft i t nion
Aio nt n s n b U way to
i fcd vh i u nUi
emit r nr t rod t
orbttt i t diiI Wiua vr Br
btlrstlon but if there itrt a legal
biwd of arlltnulon loH fl ith
thrfy tu ints ipati ml d1 1 labor
atruics nhhu both bid s thnuM ol
allrtg rtpk takrn by the Untd States - Hy mtftV It 1s not concelvabl
at a nMrtim ptbia aiie Uaul at tbatetdtrr pu ty -would take th tuavu
i m Ft -
rftpoi MlblMy of dffylne the terdlrt
sin J tf either partr aak for sr
tliratlon by auch a luxd the wfusel
of the other in submit th qulIon
would fc aa a onfeslaa of
the meakness of lu cause
rwt Worth tor the fifth time la
stjccwrion stood at the top of the list
tn tha clearing hcuM report published
yesterday Its pacenuxt of lner
was HA xt j Tort Worth was
Wao with an Increase of H pr crot
Oalvtston ahowed an In rrefe of 1S1
Jlouiion ah lacmse ot and Dallas
a decrease of 41
The bar of For Worth have eab
mlttM to the Deznocracy of the state
the name of Ju4e X A 8teadman
for atsocUte Jurtce of the supreme
ro urt and their Indorsement of his
fitneas as a man and as a lawyer for
that hlrh position tneeta ttneral ap
This is the suhernatortal home
stretch and yefeTdyfi run Is a fair
test qS the staylnc qualities of the
The strlVe ixmi to be both on and
OS It Is on wltH Mr Dehs and ot aa
far aa the trains are concerned
The third chctre gubernatorial can-
didate irBI ret the nomination and his
name Is John Holdfast Ilea fan
DuMness la now In full entree of the
old stand
McKlnleys tariff Is on Its list legs
Tin set fnr tbe Court ot tbe Ter-
ritory to yttef
Guthrie OklacJuy II The supreme
court today fixed the times for holding
court In tbe various counties of tbe
territory as follows
toan countySecond Monday In
September and third Monday In Feb-
ruary of each ear
Uncola oounty First Wednesday In
Nortmber and third Tuesday In AprIL
Payne oount Fourth Tuesday In
November and second Tuesday In
BlalB county Second Monday In
D county Third Thursday In Sep-
Day oounty First Monday In Oc
Koaer Mills oounty tlecond Monday
In October
O county Third WMnesday In Oc
Washita county Fifth Tuesday of
Canadian county Third Monday In
Pottawatomie oounty First Tuesday
tn ttepteinber aud first Tuesday In
Oklahoma county Third Tuesday
In October and third Tuesday fa Feb-
CleYtland county Third Tuesday In
NoTember an i first Tuesday in April
K oouuty Second Monday la Bep
tsmbcr and third Mondiy In February
Beaver county Second Wednesday
la October and second Wednesday In
5 oounty Tjst Tuenday In October
and first To sad ay In Apr It
V oounty Third Mondsy In Novem-
ber and fourth Monday In April
O county tecond Monday In Septem-
ber and second Monday In Marco
Kingfisher funt Second Tuesday
r October and first Monday In Febru
i ounty ficond Monday In Noem
tfr and first Monday In April
M county lourtl i Tuesday in
first Wednesday in Miy
counly Mrst Tuviday In Decem-
ber and second Wedntdsv In May
Jujre Dale was asslaned to the flmt
district Judge Burfurd to second
Judge tfoott to the third Judtre Rlerer
to tha fourth and Judg e McAttee to
the fifth
The Ilrat ttr y to
u Col llrr ra
aveUnd Ohio Ju1 14 -The ul
i prrsslvfl heat of yesterday was foi
lowed by a refreshing lake breeze to
j dap which had the effect of Increasing
j the enthusiasm If such a thinff were
possible of the great multitude at-
tend In tr the mnrnlnir session of tho
Christian odeaor convention
l Th bis tnt which was pre
1 sided over by Itev U 13 Tler D D
of Nsw York was opened -will the
usual rraUe and prayer service n
open Qiicuseion came next upon what
ars the Uenefits of International Fel-
lowship conducted by Dr James
I Leewls Hcrnt or LouIslll K After f
many brief reports from th i
1 tlonal rallies and prayers for brother
and slsurs In otlur lands lie- Way
Uud Iloyt of Mlnncapuiu spoke upon
the topic Inter denominational Fib j
The tnornlOR exercises at Raenetrfes j
hall were largely devoted to the junior
society follow Ml by brief reports pre 1
atatatlon of diplomas praise service
and short addresfes
J mmi nr it nir
I elTtt llehlllu lhi Itmnlt of
I It run It t ntHrrli
Mrs Dttfy A Lewis of Idependnce
Mo writes Tlw Drug
Manufacturing Gompnto I had breu
j adllotfKl for four teen enrs with ner
4 vous dibllitj and chronic catarrh X
had tried threw of our beet pljutctan
but failed to get any wiief I have
taken live buttles of IV m na In con-
nection with
and feel en-
tirely well I know that ha 4
saveil my llfp
Depression of the nerous system
from chronfo dUcnses of any kind ii
quite likely to onus- a condition ut
the muemi mmbrnnts of tho iiow
and throat ro nenrly resembling ca-
tarrh that mnn times thrv are
tleal llrsides the usual symptoms o
oafarrh the patient has brown specks
before his eye- slight llzthifss roar
Injr la ihe ears attack of nervous
headache palpitation of the heart
flashes of h at followed by slight t
chilly sensations fntntness apresilon
deapondenoy foreboding foolish fears
ana many other ejmptoms
has asPlnnnd again been found to da
of great aJuo In such cases Th first
doso gives prompt relief to the most
distressing symptoms nnd h prtltrn
e of u tor a ivatonnbt time wtM
permnrrntly cure cases of long Hand
A cwmplftp medical on
catarrh and catarrhal diicis wll
sert to any addrtM tj the 7 r n
Dm Mftmifaoiurlng Cvmjany of c
umbus Ohio
None but Bell if 3
sold over th lUason Car t
Tbe yfetdems IwkUM
Fro3i Fusumanlan olk long Trans-
lated by Carmen
The little maid was fain to ma her-
A necklace fine
As sllrry aa tbe moonUghts sUrry
Or as the river -when the moonbeams
And wo she asked the river Speak
win thou
Give me thy waves that la the moon-
light dancer
And then she went and asted the
moon Wilt thou
Give trie thy g lance T
Not so the moon replied because
the night
My glance doth need
Not so the river answered her Tor
Must keep my waters for the thirsty
The little maid was fain to make
A necklace fine
Then said the sons of men Come
take our tears
To fashion this bright silver chain of
Then each one gave her his most pre-
cious tears
And glad were they
To deck the maidens throat and all
the tears
Thus whispered low together and did
ay i
Whence -art thou sister and from i
what heart dldat corce
Then each one told the grief that did
Her parent heart and each one thought
Saddest of alL
So now the maiden had her necklace
More silvery than onder rivers wave
Or glance of moonlight et when she
put on
That necklace brave
The tears all laid her whenca they
came and grew
So heavy that beneath the burden sore
The maiden died and her grave that
Weighs evermore
It Is given unto mankind to weep
and one writer at least has assigned
the part of weeping almost exclusively
to women In the Mk song above
It was the maiden who gathered the
tears of Bhero until they weighed
down her life Womanly nature Is ever
responsive to the cry of sorrow and
sometimes It grows morbid and melan-
choly because the cheerful lew of
life Is perslstentl shut out Miss
Harraden n arjing Moods has a
pretty allegory of twin slaters Joy
and Sorrow which traches that thtie
are co axWtcrit and us they I ass
tL rough the world side b aide then- is
HAl a estl ba 9 a ff1saet1tv In
a vs 4fcsia BHsa 7W Btst ss vasrssrsatav j
their visitations
Were tt pSJMpt to make an exact
compulsion t tve true sources of
both the toy and r row of humanity
It would pxpfaabl astonish most of us
to Hud how large a proportion comes
from ourselves rather from our cir
curostano Pmlably imaginsten
furnlshea cs with suter forma of pleas-
ure and pain than any actual x
currtnees can givi and our emotions
are more depi stirred in moments of
anticipation than at any subsequent
time Mr Lewes Is an essay on sui-
cide s os The same uncertainty
wh Lh atterds our ftecisllngs of sue
opes anl happiness ubIy attends our
foreoutlnga af fallur and misery The
radtsmce IS not more liable to be over-
clouded than the daiknest Is to bti
irradiated cannot torejt e truly
we can only imagine something which
ma occur and these Imaginations
ars alwas wrong If not as to tbe
event itself j n as to the degree in
which tbe event will ontt us Let
ihe worst he foresees arrite it will
reach th victim as somethlrg very
different from what he Imagined
If the d i earns of happiness are sel-
dom fully realized neither are the
ro bodhlffh of woe It I ssfe to rsy
that thee is more sorrow in the Imagi-
nation or mlorortune than jln the mla
f irtune Itself
If this be so is not a large propor-
tion of the sorrow and pain we endure
ne MltessT Is it not In our hands and
under our own ooitrol Many of the
actual misfortunes of life may be in-
evitable but the misery we cause our-
selves by forebodings of evil Is not
The best of rfaarUle s Is to put some-
thing into the hands of the Individ-
ual that wOJ employ the mind elevate
hVate lJ ln th cultivation of
all thet which
make mankind supe-
rior to ihe brute cree Ion Uenc there
can be no nobler wot than that Inau
tratfjby tno L ary association of
this city the avoned purpose of which
is to give to everone an opportunity
for best companionship The Agullar
Free Library of New York City is re-
garded as one of tho grandest moral
infiuences In that city it was the
work of a noble woman whose rama
is Inseparably al tched to It and Is a
grander monument than sculpture
could supply This library has now
thn branches and durlmr one month
circulates 13000 volumes There Is now
olTcred In Fort Worth an opportunity
for a similar liberality one man or
woman may not feel able to do the
entire work but irere are a number
who could co ne forward and liber-
ally and substantially old the earnest
work of the devoted women who ara
forwarding this work an enterprise
worthy of effort and self aacrlfiee and
which wll be an ornament to the city
and an honor to this community
It Is related of a savage tribe thst
on serin a sun dial for the first time
so groat was their reverence that they
task unwilling to have It exposed to
the suns rays Ihry therefore built
a roof over It Is It not orten so In
our live We shut out It may be
through 111 ad Wsed -veneration the very
lnfiuemja whiah contribute to useful-
ness It would be well to epen the
art o unroof whatever reit cts
truth and thereby gain all the good
that Is possible
When Mrs JClIiabeth Stuart Phelps
was risk 1 to answer for publication
the qufslon What constitute the
best AusbAml she frankly said that
1 tr first Impulse was to reply in one
Ppfncerian ward unknowable ay
ng flatly the question Is unsnswer
able and I prvj tree have me ex-
cused in the main she Is right If all
mm find all women were cut by one
Mtt trn u might be easy to give the
dlnens0n or a good husband or wife
but there nr an mini
ties s many points that must be
rour fltM off that thrre are no rules
ff Jii f mtne applicable to ail
JftiUl in ei s a quallt th poweaslon
i nW jb rttnom marriage far array
ft jii ftttlurc thai Is atlaptabllltr
s kM Ars nn ttvo people can beoome
jitamiK no matter huw Ions- thi
ur b ltnl neither of ibem If ther
woper eoneeption of marrlare
nouM he pras d lo Clnd the other
ugh r nret
1 t atrA win an
tkU hi i fi i narri nil trh
ft It mine h r - nt ti
H n a t ti r - f m
a - t
husband but to sat about adapting
herself 14 her new life The first un
easi twelv tmsnha are the ones ln
which sb s fhaplhi her future and
tji she tan Urgely make ne f love
and west With patlrce ad persist-
ent ussuijee ctrd fc she eaa mold
her husband while at the same time
she Is leirnlnr to endure what cannot
be rured and thu fiempILfyinc the
wisdom cf adaptability All ot us have
wondered how sonw ccuples get on so
well but no oae kiows how much
of concession on the part of each has
made their marritd life run smooth
About wo month a ago a paragraph
appeared In this department calling
lb attention of Fort Worth women
to an effort that was being made by
The Daughters of the RepubUo to
redeem fron neglect the San Jacinto
battlefield ln -order to raise a fund
for the pcrpore building a monument
endowing tM leaullfy1ng the ground
they have planned that a bazar be
sVm t4 w lltalln U tfanfAriAP tPl tl rl
and tity la tb j state to have a tabte j
for tne sale or xaney wora painung
etchings plain sewing- or anything
that will selL There are in Fort V orth
descendant of the early settlers who
cherish a patrlotls lore for Texas and
particularly for those spots made holy
by the blood of Its defenders and cer
tainly there are some among them who i
will take cp the nbbte work of aiding
In this work g t
Fort Worth most have a table in
that bazar and a tingle contribution
from each lady will render It attrac-
tive and doubtless remunerative Mrs
Redlnbouyb of this city has been
deputed to solicit for this cause and
It is ta be hoped that she will meet
with enthusiastic and substanUa en-
couragement Mrs J It Finn iff
Houtoa v iU gladly correspond with
our vroren on this subject
Tbe New Tork Herali of the Sth
devotes cons Id tie space to the
men attending the National Editorial
association at Asbury Park Us j
respondent has many nice things to 1
ray of 3 the visitors and grows quite
eloquent over tbe bill of fare prolded
by tie Coleman fccuse on the tth and
de acrtbej It thus i
It was a penwiper in fact with a j
delicate kid eorcr with a triplet of
ongnt scariet ore crackers printed on
the covrr which was tied with long
Itops of the narrowest red white and
blue ribbon
They were so attractive that It was
almost Impossible to secdre one a few
minutes after the doors were opened
and though the menu was so elaborate
roanj of these good people ate straight
through from beginning to end
Two girls tn particular who aat ln
th center of the hall brsvel saw the
whole tMng through and then after
their Ices and coffee gayl returned
to shrimp salad which they ate from
the platter on which It wae served
But they were from Texas and Texas
Is a long way off from most things
save steers
The last little fling at Texas Is in-
excusable In a correspondent to the
Herald a paper claiming to be cos
mcpolttan ln all things If the Herald
will send an Intelligent correspondent
to Texas to attend the gatherings of
Ire clever women of this state its
readers will learn that Texas Is quite
In touch with the world and Is not a
long wa from anything except lack
of courtesy to visitors from distant
Do writers equal their liter-
ary brethren In deplcitlnir feminine
character is a question often discuss-
ed It li true that a masttr brought
Into being Uecky Sharp and Mrs Mac-
kenzie but it was a woman who gave
to the world Mrs Poyscr and Maggie
Tulllvtrs mother and women know
which of these Is the truer to life and
Is most often encountered In ordinary
everyday Ufa
Cftlxcns of Proldnce seem to be
solving the servant question by hav-
ing a supply kitchen Mlthln the
Cist two months It has paid expenses
the encouraging feature is the first
patrons eonttnu Th re Is a family
order department and aHo a table at
th Kitchen wtre a good meal is
served cheap and good A published
bil of fare for the day crows ample
varict to choose from
In umni Itrnlm
UussU despite Its reactionary ten-
dencles has founded a school for
mn stuients uf medicine regfcrunff
the rftulation of which a special d
cree vmi wsued on August 2 18H
The ruat llttmry enture of Elizabeth 1
Stuart JhAlpa Ward was a story nrit
t1 DhnH n n I
- c na uiltjr 44 ua QIQ
It rouuil reatly sale at the ottlce of the
Youth a romnanlon an soon atler
saw the light of publication
The canvass of Orleans counly New
Tork shous IS10 tax women un the
rolls who pay taxes on sn assessed
valuation or t3 4SI There wera
695S votes cast In this county In Ihe last
election ana the petition In ravor of
woman suffrage contains the name ot
6SIS persons over 21 years of age
The morUe bust ot llrs Harriet
needier hlowe recently unvelletl In
Hartford Conn was executed by MLit
Annie iMHrfy of Boston The bust
cost HOOD and wss paid for by sub-
scriptions of Connecticut women
Octave Thanet Is greatly Infreslrd
In photography fche Is going to t s a
number of the photographs she has
taken as Illustrations In one of her
Lady injorle Gordon the
daughter of Iord and Lady Aberd
edits a childrens paper called vee
Willie Winkle she Is probably tie
youngest editor In the world
Fourteen women known as the Gray
Ladles of London have dedicated their
lives to working among th poor ot
The Countess Ateslo of Turin Italy
who celebrated her loom birthday re-
cently accompanied her husband
through all the hardships of the Mos
cow campaign while she was a bjlde
of IS
The queen of Greece was recently ap-
pointed to Ihe rank cf admiral In tbe
Muscovite fleet by her cousin the czar
fche now enjoys tho distinction of being
the only woman In Europe with the
title of admiral
Mies Marion Talbot at the university
of Chicago sits often In the faculty
httln ua
fifteen men asi she finds It did tot
matter whether a woman U nlme
among fifteen men or among f Ity pio
vldcd they are alU gentlemen
The onl reatrtj WaeeJ In the offln
of President Carnot was one sent ly
Ills mother It bore the words Itrttr
and Conscience Jt was Isld on Ihe
tll ooloreJ Hag that draped the casket
llonseholtt Hint
A lamp expert recommends cheese
cloth for wiping the lamps and adds
Never use scissors to trim a wick
A visiting r card is one ot tht best trim
Cood fiu alur polish Is made of
one third turpentine and tiro thlrda of
tweet on
Olrier wafersCream acup of Cut-
ter sdd two cups of pulverized rugar
then add two cup of water and i ur
imps 41 flour with Ringer ta taste
stirring In the water anj flnttr -
nslly and alterttalelj spread the mix I
ure s thin as possible on a ureased
mjiing sneet or pan and bake In a
rtodera oven Aa won as done citi
lulckly and whtl hot Inlo njuarea or
dlttro nds
II w to p I tomatoes Nearly all tho
oik books say iour bmilng water
er Hp tirostoet then skin them
and at least ninety ta every hundred
attempt to akin i tujm In this
manner and consequently do It very
Imperfectly The proper way to pee
tomatoes li thli Co bem
boiling water half a minute then lay
them ln cold water until perfectly cold
and the fkln can ba peeled off without
difficulty leaving the tomatoes un-
broken as firm a they wers before
being scaled
Ag fiRt
1 I n
tt I VL
2 SMr W
No 13 I
July 15 18941
Send or fa ring two s
ecnpoai ol
ftl dill tnrl 10 Z
ctnti Is IMs offici a
4 alt Ik mth
pirt ol this mpcrb
work Ike ttori ol
Ihe war lold bi tha
Itadln gcnirill on a
hols lines
5 nt cmnc mi Rated rm Wens lei S
It B HdB bulunntia
rt mtHlT tut UonutTbiPsTi
1 L
Jfttfr u r tmaitlon It mi
zSyt lotrki ii otitiDcoua
s iiwui iiiiiUUIXTl
Or iil r ktn rit up hi
4 it r u prptt4 onreipiot
tti bttkriptiYt CtrcnUr
Justus vi biii irttnrsi
n lafbltai B
IiSJi t CbimicU Oo
Witt STttECTl
Operate Successfully In Wall Street
Through our Co Operatlv e Ii It
block Syndicate
Dividends paid up to June 15 139 as
January 191 11 l s per cent net
rebrusry 1614 15 per cent net
March 1891 17 per cent net
AprIL 131 II per cent net
Ma 131 U per cent net
June 1S3I 11 1 2 per cent net
thus making 100 1 2 per rent earned rjd
paid ln six months Prospectus giving
detzlled Information ot our plan mal d
free on appllraton Highest referenc s
WEINMAN A CO Stock and grain
brokers 11 Hroadway New York
Responsible representatives wanted
In every city
AVa sell Wind mills Pumps
Water Supplies Tanks
float Valves Pipe Fittings
Farm machinery etc at
prices defying competition
Write to us for circulars
aud lowest net terms Write
Sandwich Enterprise Co
0 W UmiH Slat t3it
fmrlmti oirfrmr S tort Worth Ut
3760 3760
account ot conrcatton ut
JULY 19 TO 22 1894
Cseoralou tickets will b on sale via
Texas and Pacific Railway
Jly 10 d IT t ln boT rM
United lor return Jul at litli
prlvllrve of estensloa until
rot- farflier Infurmntlou call oner
fVUSK mw
Ir llcUetAct
llepol aiT iu
Port ortli Tax
1 - I t Oi
j i B I 1
- I U i 1 1
- i NA 1
J I - Mli
u i J IBH W r
t cVrSBB
et -
S SS Jus fflF X
3STo S
Send or bring this coupon
and 10 cents to this office and
receive the most unique
tlAm AfillA 1 lllS Af ill
bakiutl UI iiic ui an
the natives represented at
Midway Plaisance
lie cszflte Bcoi DejarliEBl i
i Fort Woniu Tex
I s w
s a- itZftl
Please the little fellow or
a raf oit These are the rt
Steel wagons size Jill
Steel wagons slie lOija i
Steel wagons size Ilxsj i
Glut OT a
Steel wagons size UzJs Is
bpeclal doslng out sals etit
and allies for the nt tea hd
TU PL ofil
i no uiiiuafto oil
511 Houstonm
Of AmeHcaS
Toronto Ont Juft
to 22 1894
Mispouri KrtnS
tail way Cotnpftaf
y 1G and U
tha roniiiiliT
ult July sig
oi extentiOu
tr 15 1891
r Hnt1tlrnfi
irtb P
ity TiokntM
y aw
is hi - niTir
Solid Trr - In M
on its own raU n 3 X
inc Warner H I1
cllninir Chair C
Through Sleepers IV j
Hon H I
rr u
trrtuuvt flijriii
mams UAtr nir
North bnunfllli40 -
biiiitli bound U Wvl
Ticket office Tort jj
and IIousl
and T Ily of Texas IP
Summer ExctnW
anD U
wiscovtix nana P
For rates routes tuji
nsUoa aeoestsrylors it
say Agent ot tie Ccrcpsw
A A aussoM Jjrlf
InnSl tut rip f
li t - Tt

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Fort Worth Gazette. (Fort Worth, Tex.), Vol. 18, No. 234, Ed. 1, Sunday, July 15, 1894, newspaper, July 15, 1894; Fort Worth, Texas. ( accessed April 26, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; .

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