The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 66, July 1962 - April, 1963 Page: 462

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Southwestern Historical Quarterly

on discovering the confusion of the enemy, charged their right wing
-both wings giving way and forming on their rear, crowding into
the center, and the Americans pressing forward in front. They ex-
hibited the appearance of a flock of sheep scared by the wolves. Their
own number and position precluding resistance or escape, numbers of
their front rank threw down their arms and surrendered, taking
position in the rear of the Americans as the safest place. They finally
forced a passage to the rear, and broke ranks and run for dear life,
leaving about four hundred dead on the field and a large number
of prisoners. The Americans lost two men killed and two wounded
in the charge, and one killed in the action by a Spaniard, who offered
him his gun-the American would not take time to receive it, but
motioned him into the rear. He stepped behind him and shot him
through and made his escape. The Indians had not a man killed or
wounded.98 In their advance on the American line, a Spanish officer
singled out Lieut. Col. Ross, and advanced to meet him in single
combat, but was shot down by an American soldier before they came
in contact.99 This act is magnified by Yoakum and Hall into a general
rush of the Spanish officers on the American ranks when their men
fled. The Americans finding an ample supply of provisions in the
enemy's camp, retired to the water and took up quarters for the
night.100 On their march the following day they were met by Gov.
Salcedo, Gen. Herrero, and twelve others,101 the principal officers of
98Hall says that the Prophet and main chief of the Indians was killed and that
command of the Indians passed to Charles Rollins, half-breed son of a member
of the expedition. According to Yoakum, nearly looo Spaniards were killed or
wounded and a few prisoners taken. Ross gives the American loss as six killed and
fourteen wounded while Gutierrez says that Captain Manshack [Menchaca] received
a very disagreeable but not dangerous wound. Gutierrez to Shaler, April 11, and
Ross to Shaler (?), April 15, 1813, included with Shaler to Monroe, May 14, 1813,
Shaler Papers; Yoakum, History of Texas, I, 168; Hall. The Mexican War of Inde-
pendence in Texas, 1812-13, in Gulick and others, Lamar Papers, IV, Pt. 1, 281.
89Ross gives quite an account of this combat. The Spanish officer was Colonel
Montura who got so close that the point of his sword touched Ross's waistcoat and
as he passed Ross gave him a blow across the back of the neck. Montura was shot by
Private William Owens, of Captain Josiah Taylor's company, who was himself killed
almost immediately afterwards. A few moments later Ross and Colonel Bonega (?)
exchanged shots, Ross with a pistol, Bonega with an escopeta. The only casualty was
Bonega's horse. Hall adds that the Spanish sergeant-major charged Major Perry.
Ibid., IV, Pt. 1, 281; Information derived from John Villars, ibid., VI, 151; Ross to
Shaler (?), April 15, 1813, included with Shaler to Monroe, May 14, 1813, Shaler
Papers; Sowell, Early Settlers and Indian Fighters, 8o6.
10oHall says that the night after the Battle of Rosalis, the army encamped at
Mission Espada, seven miles below Bexar, and the second night at Mission Con-
cepcion, two miles below, on the east bank of the San Antonio River. This was
Mission Purisima Concepcion. Hall. The Mexican War of Independence in Texas,
1812-13, in Gulick and others, Lamar Papers, IV, Pt. 1, 281; Castafieda, Catholic
Heritage, IV, 6.
1"'The Spanish officers were met first by Captain Taylor, who told them to sur-
render to Colonel Kemper. Kemper in turn referred them to Gutierrez, his theo-


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Texas State Historical Association. The Southwestern Historical Quarterly, Volume 66, July 1962 - April, 1963, periodical, 1963; Austin, Texas. ( accessed May 1, 2024), University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History,; crediting Texas State Historical Association.

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